1. Asistant Cine­ma­to­grapher

Hi, for the film shoot of THRALL – a kink film direc­ted by poet Logan Febru­ary we are curr­ent­ly loo­king for Assistant Cine­ma­to­grapher. The shoo­ting is on 23rd and 24th of Sep­tem­ber (Mon­day full day, Tues­day shorter day). We are film­ing at Quäl­geist Club in Ber­lin. The AC would sup­port the cine­ma­to­grapher and pos­si­bly film with the second came­ra (we are film­ing with Canon C500 and C70). It would be gre­at if you had work­ed with the came­ra befo­re. The team is main­ly UdK film stu­dents with wide expe­ri­ence. Unfort­u­na­te­ly low pay (100–150€ for both days), as it’s self-finan­ced pro­ject, food will be pro­vi­ded and we are working in small team of flinta&queer peo­p­le. I am hap­py to pro­vi­de more infor­ma­ti­on, you can cont­act me at pauladurinova@​gmail.​com. Thank you! Warm­ly, Pau­la
