Hey the­re!

I’m a direc­tor at Film Uni Babels­berg, and we’­re working on an exci­ting short film – it’s a co-pro­duc­tion bet­ween our Uni and an exter­nal pro­duc­tion com­pa­ny. Right now, we’­ve got a fan­ta­stic team of 15 peo­p­le put­ting their hearts into making this pro­ject ama­zing!

The only miss­ing pie­ce? A SOUND DIRECTOR ON SET! In the sto­ry just two actors to record, but sounds are very important too.

Shoo­ting dates:
– Febru­ary 19, 20, 21, 22
– Plus one more day (March 1st or 2nd)

And hey, if you’d like to stick around for post-pro­duc­tion too, you’­re more than wel­co­me!

Inte­res­ted? Drop me a mes­sa­ge on Whats­App (+4915142435228)

You can check the page of the pro­ject here https://​www​.kick​star​ter​.com/​p​r​o​j​e​c​t​s​/​n​a​s​t​i​c​h​k​a​/​s​h​o​r​t​-​m​o​v​i​e​-​n​a​s​t​i​c​h​k​a​-​a​n​d​-​h​e​r​-​s​i​s​ter

Loo­king for­ward to hea­ring from you!
