Beg­in­ner actor for your film (32, fema­le, 1.62m, Ber­lin, EN/​​GER)

As a beg­in­ner actor I’d love to act in your film for free or on a mini­mum bud­get (to get more mate­ri­al for my reel).

My stats:
– fema­le, 32 years old, 1.62 m, stout figu­re, glas­ses or cont­acts
– Ger­man nati­ve, fluent/​Australian Eng­lish
– can sing, play the vio­lin and pia­no (will prac­ti­ce real pie­ces for paid gigs)
– fle­xi­ble work hours (free­lan­cer)
– based in Ber­lin (will come to Lon­don if tra­vel expen­ses are cover­ed)

Hit me up via art@​ruthbosch.​com or on Insta­gram any­ti­me (@rubosch).

Reel (GER): https://​www​.you​tube​.com/​w​a​t​c​h​?​v​=​r​S​i​-​T​J​3​2​8MQ

Pho­tos: https://​www​.insta​gram​.com/​p​/​C​h​Q​Z​p​b​5​s​a​u​d​/​?​i​m​g​_​i​n​d​e​x=1
