Cast call for docu­fic­tion /​​/​​ Eng­lish spea­king actor

We are loo­king for an eng­lish spea­king actir for a fic­tion­nal sce­ne in a docu­men­ta­ry deal­ing with cli­ma­te jus­ti­ce in gene­ral and Letz­te Gene­ra­ti­on in par­ti­cu­lar.

What the Film is about: A crow living in Ber­lin tells of spon­ta­neous, poli­ti­cal con­ver­sa­ti­ons held during pro­tests by acti­vists of Letz­te Gene­ra­ti­on and stran­gers.

What the Fic­tion­nal Sce­ne is about: Three humans wea­ring a suit and a bird mask nego­cia­te the shut­down of the rub­bish coll­ec­tion with the nar­ra­ting crow. The sce­ne ree­nacts in an absurd way a hap­pe­ning by acti­vists of Letz­te Gene­ra­ti­on.

What We are Loo­king For:
– Three male or fema­le actors who can speak Eng­lish with an ame­ri­can accent. Being a nati­ve spea­k­er would be app­re­cia­ted.
– No pri­or acting expe­ri­ence requi­red.

Role Descrip­ti­on:
– Each cha­rac­ters exch­an­ge a cou­ple of words with the crow at a train sta­ti­on plat­form.
– The three of them have then a pri­va­te talk in front of an office.

Working Con­di­ti­ons:
– We pro­vi­de masks, costums, cate­ring and a shoot expe­ri­ence on a poli­ti­cal film with a pro­fes­sio­nal crew.
– Sin­ce the pro­ject is self-finan­ced, a finan­cial con­tri­bu­ti­on can’t be paid unfort­u­na­te­ly.

- Shoo­ting Date: August 21rst, 2024, 16:00 – 20:00.
– Loca­ti­on: S‑Bahn Sta­ti­on Baum­schu­len­weg + Alders­hof.

Cont­act Jes­si­ca Val­dez at jess@​redleavesfilms.​com or by pho­ne at +49 176 56569461 (Mon-Sat: 10:00 – 20:00).
