**Cas­ting Call: Extras and Minor Roles for 2 Short Films in Janu­ary**

Hi ever­yo­ne,

I’m now plan­ning two short films that I’ll be shoo­ting in Janu­ary, one of which is for my DFFB appli­ca­ti­on. I’m loo­king for extras and actors for minor roles, as fol­lows:

– Peo­p­le run­ning (1 fit man, 2 women chat­ting while run­ning, 1 woman run­ning at a fast pace)
– Fri­ends drin­king Glüh­wein tog­e­ther at a Christ­mas mar­ket, having fun (ide­al­ly ear­ly 20s)
– Others (feel free to app­ly even if you don’t fit the descrip­ti­ons abo­ve!)

**Minor Roles:**
– Woman lying on a man’s chest (clo­se-up sce­ne, most likely I am play­ing the man)
– Male part­ner of the prot­ago­nist (most­ly slee­ping and cuddling in bed with a seni­or actor at the end of the film)

To be con­firm­ed, but most likely the weekends of Janu­ary 4th/​5th and Janu­ary 18th/​19th.

Ber­lin (various are­as)

If you’re inte­res­ted, plea­se reach out!

