Over the years, the Fan­ta­sy Film­fest has often shown stu­dent short films and grad­u­a­tion films. This year, the fes­ti­val would like to broad­en its scope and offer itself as a dis­cus­sion forum on the sta­tus of Ger­man genre cin­e­ma. For this pur­pose, the DFFB will have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to screen some the­mat­i­cal­ly suit­able works (short and/​or medi­um-length films) as part of the fes­ti­val, fol­lowed by a dis­cus­sion with the film­mak­ers /​ film team. The event is free of charge. We warm­ly invite friends, acquain­tances, film fans and fes­ti­val vis­i­tors to get to know what is pro­duced at Ger­man film schools in the field of genre film, and to exchange thoughts with the film­mak­ers. In addi­tion to the film selec­tion, there will be time for talks where we will be able to learn more about the direc­tors’ visions behind their films, the pro­duc­tion back­grounds, the filmmaker’s future plans and the sta­tus of Ger­man genre films, both in Ger­many and on the inter­na­tion­al mar­ket.

Loca­tion and date of the Berlin Spe­cial: Sun­day, 9th Sep­tem­ber 2018, mati­nee at Cines­tar at Pots­damer Platz (the exact time and pro­gramme TBA).