Film Club 35K

35K is a film club organ­ised by DFFB stu­dents: once a month we show a selec­tion of films in our cin­e­ma.

Each screen­ing is pre­ced­ed by an intro­duc­tion and fol­lowed by a dis­cus­sion. As often as pos­si­ble, film­mak­ers or experts are invit­ed to facil­i­tate and con­tribute to the dis­cus­sion.

It’s impor­tant to us that the view­ers dis­cuss, analyse, and ques­tion the films that we screen. Our aim is to cre­ate an envi­ron­ment that helps to train the cin­e­mat­ic eye and pro­motes the exchange of opin­ions and ideas. Snacks and drinks will be served.