By: Copro­duc­tion Office
Busi­ness sec­tor: Film Indus­try (Inter­na­tio­nal Sales Agen­cy and Pro­duc­tion)
Paid Intern­ship: 1200€ /​ month befo­re taxes
Dura­ti­on: 6 months, full time
Start date: Accor­ding to avai­la­bi­li­ty

We are loo­king for a glo­bal­ly min­ded and result-ori­en­ted col­le­ague, with orga­ni­sa­tio­nal skills and an avid inte­rest in cul­tu­re, to com­ple­te our team of thir­ty peo­p­le working in a dyna­mic and inter­na­tio­nal envi­ron­ment. You will assist our Sales team, our Fes­ti­val Mana­ger and our foun­der Phil­ip­pe Bober.


Based in Paris and Ber­lin, Copro­duc­tion Office stands at the fore­front of auteur cine­ma as an inter­na­tio­nal dis­tri­bu­tor and pro­du­cer of bold, award-win­ning films. The company’s foun­der, Phil­ip­pe Bober, has col­la­bo­ra­ted with pro­mi­nent and pio­nee­ring direc­tors* from the ear­liest stages of their care­ers. He has pro­du­ced for­ty-four films to date, the majo­ri­ty of which were sel­ec­ted for the main com­pe­ti­ti­ons at the Can­nes, Venice, and Ber­lin film fes­ti­vals. They recei­ved major pri­zes, inclu­ding the Venice Gol­den Lion for Roy Andersson’s A PIGEON SAT ON A BRANCH REFLECTING ON EXISTENCE in 2014 and two Pal­me d’Ors for Ruben Östlund’s THE SQUARE in 2017 and TRIANGLE OF SADNESS in 2022.

Copro­duc­tion Office’s inter­na­tio­nal sales divi­si­on dis­tri­bu­tes films with often dar­ing con­tent and a distinc­ti­ve cine­ma­tic lan­guage, inclu­ding tho­se pro­du­ced by Phil­ip­pe Bober, acqui­red titles, and res­to­red clas­sics by Rober­to Ros­sel­li­ni, Kon­rad Wolf, and other mas­ter film­ma­kers.

Copro­duc­tion Office offers an inter­na­tio­nal and dyna­mic work­place. Employees bene­fit from robust sup­port, signi­fi­cant respon­si­bi­li­ty, cross-depart­ment­al invol­vement, and clear care­er pro­gres­si­on, along with the oppor­tu­ni­ty to work clo­se­ly on pro­jects by some of the most exci­ting and accom­plished direc­tors. The com­pa­ny con­ti­nues to grow while diver­si­fy­ing its ope­ra­ti­ons to include on-site cine­mas, gas­tro­no­my, imports of orga­nic wines, pro­duc­tion and dis­tri­bu­ti­on of visu­al art, and res­to­ra­ti­ons of mile­sto­nes in film histo­ry.

* Roy Anders­son, Jes­si­ca Haus­ner, Kor­nél Mun­druc­zó, Ruben Öst­lund, Cris­ti Puiu, Car­los Rey­ga­das, Ulrich Seidl, Lars von Trier, Lou Ye


You will:

work in an inter­na­tio­nal and mul­ti­l­in­gu­al envi­ron­ment with a fri­end­ly and moti­va­tio­nal atmo­sphe­re, along­side com­mit­ted and team-ori­en­ted col­le­agues.
gain insight on the inde­pen­dent film indus­try while working on uni­que films.
per­form the fol­lo­wing tasks as a mem­ber of our sales team:
Con­duct rese­arch on fes­ti­vals
Sub­mit our films to fes­ti­vals
Be invol­ved in the fes­ti­val stra­tegy
Nego­tia­te scree­nings fees
Sche­du­le and prepa­re fes­ti­val mee­tings during mar­kets and fes­ti­vals (Can­nes, Ber­li­na­le, Venice)
Pro­vi­de Mate­ri­als to fes­ti­vals (all films) and occa­sio­nal­ly to dis­tri­bu­tors (cata­lo­gue films)
Help with talent coor­di­na­ti­on (pro­mo­tio­nal tours, press, juries)
Assist with event orga­niza­ti­on (pre­mie­res, cock­tails, din­ners and par­ties)

You are:

A nati­ve or ful­ly flu­ent Eng­lish spea­k­er, with an excel­lent com­mand of two other lan­guages (French, Ita­li­an, Ger­man or Japa­ne­se would be an advan­ta­ge)
Detail-ori­en­ted and dead­line-focu­sed
Crea­ti­ve and able to think out­side the box
Expe­ri­en­ced in the cul­tu­ral indus­tries (a plus)
Inte­res­ted in the tech­ni­cal aspects of films. A pre­vious expe­ri­ence in film res­to­ra­ti­on or mate­ri­al deli­veries would be a plus
Atten­ti­on to detail and mee­ting dead­lines.
Orga­ni­zed and capa­ble to prio­ri­ti­ze, mul­ti­tas­ker.
Pre­cise, pro­fi­ci­ent with Excel and data­ba­ses
Capa­ble of inter­ac­ting with pro­fes­sio­nals in dif­fe­rent sec­tors: talents, fes­ti­vals, right hol­ders, film indus­try, public sec­tor, finan­ce
Com­pu­ter sav­vy and pro­fi­ci­ent in cloud-based appli­ca­ti­ons and vir­tu­al workspaces
Fle­xi­ble and proac­ti­ve
We look for­ward to recei­ving your full appli­ca­ti­on with a cover let­ter in Eng­lish at staff@​coproductionoffice.​eu (NB Appli­ca­ti­ons wit­hout cover let­ter will not be con­side­red). Plea­se also indi­ca­te whe­re you saw this post.
