film­ma­ker wan­ted to work on „The emo­tio­nal inten­si­ty of ran­dom human con­nec­tion“ an art col­la­o­ra­ti­on bet­ween irish and argen­ti­ni­an artists Ike Quirk and Flo shana­han

The emo­tio­nal inten­si­ty of ran­dom human con­nec­tion

Is a joint col­la­bo­ra­ti­on bet­ween Irish artist ike quirk and Argen­ti­ni­an artist Flo Shana­han
In moving their lives from the fami­li­ar and reco­g­nisable and com­for­ta­ble they meet in Ber­lin to begin the pro­cess of using this iso­la­ti­on and uncer­tain­ty to explo­re human con­nec­tion as it exists todays world
Dif­fe­ren­tia­ted by coun­try , age , sex and natio­na­li­ty they hope this raw dif­fe­rence will reli­ve what human and ran­dom inten­se emo­ti­on con­nec­tion means in their art

Using the both the medi­ums of paint and audio visu­al tech­no­lo­gy to explo­re this cen­tral the­me and record their pro­cess

Based in a stu­dio space in kreuz­berg Ber­lin during Janu­ary and Febru­ary 2025 , they are both gra­teful of the chan­ce to both work tog­e­ther for the first time.

we are loo­king for a film­ma­ker to docu­ment our pro­cess and thoughts . we are based in kreu­berg during janu­ary /​febuary 2025
we are loo­king to col­la­bo­ra­te on this , we wel­co­me ide­as and direc­tion on what we hope is an inte­res­t­ing chall­enge

the final pro­duct would be sui­ta­ble for inter­na­tio­nal gal­lery sub­mis­si­on and also sub­mis­si­on to short docu­men­try fes­ti­vals

ike quirk flo shana­han
