Headshots Dis­count %

Hey Film Com­mu­ni­ty,

I’m offe­ring por­traits for artists and crea­ti­ves, with a focus on actor and actress headshots.

Sin­ce the film indus­try has had a tough year, I’m offe­ring a 15% dis­count to anyo­ne who hasn’t had a paid pro­ject in a while and wants to refresh their pho­tos. The same dis­count appli­es to tho­se still in trai­ning.

I’m a pho­to­grapher with over 10 years of expe­ri­ence and a Mas­ter of Fine Arts. You can check out my work at www​.bir​git​von​bal​ly​.com or on Insta­gram: @birgitvonbally.

The shoot will last 2 hours, with around 4–5 out­fit chan­ges. You’ll recei­ve 8 edi­ted pic­tures of your choice from a gal­lery of 150–200, with the opti­on to purcha­se more for an addi­tio­nal fee. My nor­mal fee for this shoot is €320.

I’m working at KAOS Day­light­stu­dio in Schö­ne­wei­de, and we can shoot eit­her insi­de or out­side, stu­dio fee is alre­a­dy included 🙂 Cont­act me for more info and available dates—I’m loo­king for­ward to working with you!
