INTERFILM Fes­ti­val – Open Call for Vol­un­teers 2024

Inte­res­ted in films and fes­ti­vals?! Beco­me a vol­un­teer!

As in the pre­vious years we are loo­king for inte­res­ted and moti­va­ted vol­un­teers for the 40th Inter­na­tio­nal Short Film Fes­ti­val Ber­lin (Novem­ber 05–10, 2024) and KUKI 17th Inter­na­tio­nal Short Film Fes­ti­val for Child­ren and Youth Ber­lin (Novem­ber 03–10, 2024).
For various fields of work we are loo­king for vol­un­teers who sup­port us in mana­geable shifts throug­hout both fes­ti­vals. You’ll beco­me part of the fes­ti­val team and recei­ve eit­her a team accre­di­ta­ti­on or free tickets depen­ding on the workload.
Pos­si­ble fields of work include guest manage­ment, the film libra­ry and hel­ping guests at info coun­ters as well as sup­port­ing admis­si­on and events at the venues such as Volks­büh­ne, Pfef­fer­berg Thea­ter, und ACUD­ki­no in Mit­te, the Roll­berg Kino in Neu­kölln, the Kino in der Kul­tur­Braue­rei and Zeiss­Gross Pla­ne­ta­ri­um in Prenz­lau­er Berg and also FaF in Fried­rich­schain and City Kino Wed­ding.

If you would like to be part of the fes­ti­val, plea­se send an email inclu­ding your cont­act info (name, pho­ne num­ber, email and lan­guages that you speak + level of each of them) and a short text (moti­va­ti­on, expe­ri­ence, inte­rests, five sen­ten­ces max.!) to


We look for­ward to mee­ting you!
The Inter­film team
