Join Us as the Edi­tor for the Fine Edit of Poca­hon­tas Returns!

Join Us as the Edi­tor for the Fine Edit of Poca­hon­tas Returns!
Are you a pas­sio­na­te edi­tor eager to make your mark in the film indus­try? We are see­king a talen­ted indi­vi­du­al to help crea­te the fine edit for Poca­hon­tas Returns, a thought-pro­vo­king inde­pen­dent fea­ture film that explo­res the con­trasts of con­tem­po­ra­ry life and the search for deeper mea­ning.

About the Film:

Poca­hon­tas Returns is a 79-minu­te fea­ture film that fol­lows Nata­scha, a Ger­man artist dis­il­lu­sio­ned by New York’s mate­ria­lism, as she tra­vels to San­ta Cruz, Boli­via. The­re, she meets Leo­nar­do, a Boli­vi­an archi­tect, and their love sto­ry unfolds amid cul­tu­ral clas­hes and socie­tal chal­lenges. The film explo­res the­mes of iden­ti­ty, femi­nism, and post-colo­ni­al dyna­mics.

Set in two vibrant yet con­tras­ting worlds—hypermodern New York City and neo-baro­que San­ta Cruz—the film com­bi­nes tele­no­ve­la aes­the­tics with sati­re, per­for­mance art, and heart­felt sto­rytel­ling to chall­enge cul­tu­ral pre­ju­di­ces and spark dia­lo­gue about the human expe­ri­ence.

What We Offer:

A small hono­ra­ri­um with a lar­ger defer­red pay­ment.
A col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve envi­ron­ment that values your crea­ti­ve con­tri­bu­ti­ons.
An oppor­tu­ni­ty to gain expe­ri­ence on a uni­que cine­ma­tic pro­ject that will be show­ca­sed at film fes­ti­vals and art exhi­bi­ti­ons.
Key Details:

Gen­re: Fea­ture Film
Dura­ti­on: 79 minu­tes
For­mat: Digi­tal Cine­ma
Sta­tus: Post-pro­duc­tion
Loca­ti­ons: New York, USA & San­ta Cruz, Boli­via
Pro­ject Infor­ma­ti­on: Pro­ject Directory​, https://​www​.nyfa​.org/​f​i​s​c​a​l​-​s​p​o​n​s​o​r​s​h​i​p​/​p​r​o​j​e​c​t​-​d​i​r​e​c​t​o​r​y​/​v​i​e​w​-​p​r​o​j​e​c​t​/​?​i​d​=​N​M​1​441
Film Excerpt Pre­view: Vimeo Link​, https://​vimeo​.com/​8​9​0​0​3​6​0​0​2​/​2​8​0​9​3​0​2​277
Sup­port: Fun­ded by the New York Sta­te Coun­cil on the Arts, Bild­kunst AG, and the NRW Minis­try of Cul­tu­re
This film blends the aes­the­tics of 1980s/​90s tele­no­ve­las with the nar­ra­ti­ve depth of a mosaic-style, inter­wo­ven sto­ry. It explo­res the loss of values in the modern world, jux­ta­po­sed against anci­ent wis­dom, and tells the love sto­ry of a Ger­man artist and a Boli­vi­an archi­tect. The film embo­dies cul­tu­ral ambi­gui­ty and ten­si­on in an era of rapid glo­ba­liza­ti­on, with love ser­ving as a bridge.

If you’­re exci­ted about editing a film that com­bi­nes artis­tic expe­ri­men­ta­ti­on with pro­found social the­mes, we would love to hear from you! This is an excel­lent oppor­tu­ni­ty to enhan­ce your port­fo­lio while con­tri­bu­ting to a pro­ject that bridges worlds and inspi­res audi­en­ces.

How to App­ly:

Plea­se send your resu­me, links to your pre­vious work, and a brief email explai­ning your inte­rest in the pro­ject to Nad­ja at nadja@​kunstraumllc.​com. We look for­ward to col­la­bo­ra­ting with you to bring the world of Poca­hon­tas Returns to life!
