I am planning and prepping two music videos which are super fun. They are both absurd comedies with elements of Sci-Fi. One of them is inspired by Power Rangers with monsters and weird superhero suits. I’m looking for collaborators who want to experiment with practical effects using miniatures. Since I’m doing this project Pro-Bono, there is no money involved for any of the crew. But we can take care of the materials you need. Even if you are not experienced with shooting miniatures, if you are good with building stuff using wood, cardboard, etc, that’s also cool. But if you are an expert and want to work on something fun and interesting, that would be cool too. I have some experience with VFX and Compositing so we can maybe club our strengths together? I’m doing this for practice and to learn as well.
For example, I’m thinking of something of like this – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hi0MGQ5Z6xs
If you are interested, I would be happy to share with you the pitch decks for the music videos. Please get in touch at prajwalshiv212@gmail.com. Thank you and looking forward 🙂