Loo­king for a minia­tu­re set design artist


I am plan­ning and prep­ping two music vide­os which are super fun. They are both absurd come­dies with ele­ments of Sci-Fi. One of them is inspi­red by Power Ran­gers with mons­ters and weird super­he­ro suits. I’m loo­king for col­la­bo­ra­tors who want to expe­ri­ment with prac­ti­cal effects using minia­tures. Sin­ce I’m doing this pro­ject Pro-Bono, the­re is no money invol­ved for any of the crew. But we can take care of the mate­ri­als you need. Even if you are not expe­ri­en­ced with shoo­ting minia­tures, if you are good with buil­ding stuff using wood, card­board, etc, that’s also cool. But if you are an expert and want to work on some­thing fun and inte­res­t­ing, that would be cool too. I have some expe­ri­ence with VFX and Com­po­si­ting so we can may­be club our strengths tog­e­ther? I’m doing this for prac­ti­ce and to learn as well.

For exam­p­le, I’m thin­king of some­thing of like this – https://​www​.you​tube​.com/​w​a​t​c​h​?​v​=​h​i​0​M​G​Q​5​Z​6xs

If you are inte­res­ted, I would be hap­py to share with you the pitch decks for the music vide­os. Plea­se get in touch at prajwalshiv212@​gmail.​com. Thank you and loo­king for­ward 🙂
