Loo­king for a stu­dent to help us pro­du­ce a pod­cast!

Hi DFFB Com­mu­ni­ty!

I am the foun­der of ReSee Movies, a Ber­lin-based start­up loo­king to brea­the life back into the movie­go­ing com­mu­ni­ty. We help cine­mas and event orga­ni­zers streng­then the com­mu­ni­ties sur­roun­ding their busi­nesses to ensu­re they con­ti­nue to reach their tar­get audi­en­ces.

We are laun­ching a video pod­cast to help us grow our own com­mu­ni­ty, and we would love to have some help from a stu­dent with expe­ri­ence in mul­ti­me­dia. In par­ti­cu­lar, help us cap­tu­re high qua­li­ty video and audio from our stu­dio recor­ding ses­si­ons. Ide­al­ly, this per­son would have the neces­sa­ry equip­ment. This would be a paid pro­ject, appro­xi­m­ate­ly 1–2 hours per week, some­whe­re at a recor­ding stu­dio in Ber­lin.

If anyo­ne is inte­res­ted, plea­se get in touch with us at hello@​reseemovies.​com, or on Insta­gram at @reseemovies.
