Loo­king for musician/​​producer to col­la­bo­ra­te with

Hel­lo lie­be Leu­te,

I am sin­ging and wri­ting songs as a hob­by (indie/​pop gen­re), and would love to find someone to col­la­bo­ra­te with to record an EP. I am nee­ding someone who could pro­du­ce tracks for exis­ting songs I have writ­ten and/​or for new songs that we could wri­te tog­e­ther, depen­ding on how we want to go about the crea­ti­ve pro­cess. This can be fle­xi­ble, the goal is just to make some nice-sound­ing music tog­e­ther. 🙂

If you are inte­res­ted in working tog­e­ther, plea­se send an email and if pos­si­ble a sam­ple of what kind(s) of music you are making, thanks!

Loo­king for­ward to col­la­bo­ra­ting!
