Post­pro­duc­tion. Supervisor/​​Editor/​​Producer

Hey, I’m loo­king for a second pair of eyes to help me in post pro­duc­tion of my short film cal­led “Sar­to­ri­al Fluids”. The film was shot in Octo­ber last year, and I’ve been slow­ly editing it sin­ce, howe­ver I feel a bit stuck and it’s somehow a work over­load becau­se rn I’m doing all post pro­duc­tion depart­ments alo­ne. On demand I can send you the rough cut to have a look.

Log­li­ne: “Two artists, each strugg­ling with rest­ric­ti­ve gen­der norms in their respec­ti­ve fields, switch lives for a day and con­front dis­cri­mi­na­ti­on against non-con­for­mi­ty.“

Tog­e­ther with you I would con­ti­nue editing and try to expe­ri­ment a bit with the mate­ri­al, try­ing to ele­va­te the film to a dif­fe­rent qua­li­ty and final­ly brin­ging it to beco­me a finis­hed who­le.
To note down, this is a Que­er Pro­ject and the­r­e­fo­re I’m loo­king for other que­er peo­p­le and allies.
Wri­te me an email if inte­res­ted. Ger­man and Eng­lish.

David Thuß-Pati­ence 🙂
