Schau­spie­ler deutsch/​​englisch

Hi, Leo here. Loo­king for nice pro­jects to enga­ge in and ambi­tious and sym­pa­the­tic peo­p­le to work with. I would like to think of my self as a cha­me­le­on when it comes to acting. Always loo­king for depths in my cha­rac­ters and adjus­ting to the situa­ti­on I am in and show­ing of a dif­fe­rent type or colour. Alt­hough my favou­ri­te roles are the ant­ago­nist ones. I am a very sen­si­ti­ve per­son, with a search for truth in life and in the cha­rac­ters that I play. Acting is my pas­si­on and kind of my the­ra­py!

I am flu­ent in Eng­lish (Bri­tish accent) lived in Eng­land for 3months at the age of 17 and work­ed in a com­pa­ny.

Deut­sche Vor­stel­lung: s. hier, haha: https://​www​.film​ma​kers​.eu/​d​e​/​a​c​t​o​r​s​/​l​e​o​n​a​r​d​-​g​o​e​p​f​ert
