Short Film is Loo­king for a Pro­du­cer

Dear peo­p­le,
For a short film from Tel-Aviv Uni­ver­si­ty that will be shot in Ber­lin we are sear­ching for a Ber­lin-Based Pro­du­cer:
The film will be shot in August and working along­side a pro­du­cer based in Isra­el.

The film fol­lows Eli (28), an Israe­li young woman living in Ber­lin, returns home due to the war. At the air­port, inno­cent request from Felix (50), a Ger­man secu­ri­ty guard, turns into a fatal mista­ke. In order to save them­sel­ves, they must spend the night tog­e­ther.

For any ques­ti­on and more infor­ma­ti­on cont­act via mail: tamara12d@​gmail.​com
