Short­film (and Docu­men­ta­ry) Music Collabs

I am a pro­fes­sio­nal com­po­ser with expe­ri­ence in the audio­vi­su­al sec­tor.
I am loo­king for more films to work on to update my reel.
The reason for cont­ac­ting you is to pro­po­se col­la­bo­ra­ti­on on your stu­dents‘ pro­jects.
If you do not have a bud­get, I would at least be inte­res­ted in pro­jects that are going to be pre­sen­ted at fes­ti­vals.
In any case, I am inte­res­ted in any inte­res­t­ing pro­ject.
I have a wide ran­ge of skills and can con­tri­bu­te to films of any style.
In par­ti­cu­lar, I am loo­king for regu­lar col­la­bo­ra­ti­ons, when­ever pos­si­ble, but one-off pro­jects are always wel­co­me.
For tho­se stu­dents who are inte­res­ted in the pos­si­bi­li­ty of col­la­bo­ra­ti­on, plea­se send me an email to mancergar@​gmail.​com
Plea­se, I would app­re­cia­te it if you would men­ti­on it to stu­dents who are going to work (or are working) on a short film.
I look for­ward to your respon­se.
Have a nice day.

Manu­el Cer­ve­ra


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