Voice­over Seni­or Actress

Loo­king for voice­over actress for a 30 second pho­ne call in our upco­ming short film, which will be sub­mit­ted to Ber­li­na­le Shorts 2025. Nati­ve Eng­lish pre­fer­red but not requi­red. Por­trays the protagonist’s mother, a warm and caring pre­sence.

Sam­ple foo­ta­ge of our film, which is curr­ent­ly at 70% of post-pro­duc­tion. https://​www​.you​tube​.com/​w​a​t​c​h​?​v​=​1​J​s​6​2​z​t​T​X​e​k​&​a​b​_​c​h​a​n​n​e​l​=​W​i​l​Cas

About Me: Wil­fre­do, 31 years old, I’ve writ­ten, direc­ted, and edi­ted 21 short films in a year with top small crews. One of our films was scree­ned at Inter­film 2023, which hel­ped the actors land seve­ral gigs. Check out my work here: wil​fre​do​ca​sas​.com/​f​ilm
