WANTED: AD for Per­for­mance Art Pie­ce „anders-nie­­mals-artig“

Hel­lo dears,

My name is Aaron and I am an Acting B.A. stu­dent. For my bache­lor I am put­ting tog­e­ther a pro­ject about que­er­ness, love, loneli­ne­ss, the quest to be con­fi­dent in ones uni­que­ness and how one chan­ges from the small town boy* once they get to the big city.

During the months of Sep­tem­ber, Octo­ber and Novem­ber we will be rehe­ar­sing and I urgen­tly need sup­port in pro­du­cing and orga­ni­s­ing. You should be flu­ent in Ger­man and also have a good under­stan­ding of the Eng­lish lan­guage, as we will be working in both. Having some expe­ri­ence in the theat­re world would be desi­ra­ble but is not neces­sa­ry.

We are working with a coll­ec­tion of auto­bio­gra­phi­cal texts that I have writ­ten over the past 2,5 years, hence the jour­ney and sto­ry we are por­tray­ing is very per­so­nal. The cast is made up of long time col­la­bo­ra­tors – main­ly dancers. We have a back­ground in modern con­tem­po­ra­ry dance and much of the cho­reo­gra­phy is deri­ved spe­ci­fi­cal­ly from our time in dance theat­re pro­duc­tions fol­lo­wing ide­as of Pina Bausch. In addi­ti­on we are working with the Deep Lis­tening Exer­ci­s­es by Pau­li­ne Oli­ve­r­os and ide­as from the View­points.
Other rese­arch included Ide­as by bell hooks, Şey­da Kurt and Erich Fromm as well as mul­ti­ple aspects of Que­er Theo­ry.

Our goal is to per­form in one of Ber­lins many Inde­pen­dent Thea­tres and app­ly to Fes­ti­vals. During the pro­duc­tion the­re will be the need for our AD to jump in to co-direct if our direc­tor can­not be here.

If this sounds inte­res­t­ing to you plea­se reach out to have a look at some of the text and alre­a­dy finis­hed cho­reo­gra­phy. We would love to meet you!!!
