“What Does­n’t Kill Us” at the Locarno Film Fes­ti­val 2018

Michael Bertl (Head of Cin­e­matog­ra­phy at the DFFB) has been select­ed to par­tic­i­pate with his film “What Doesn´t Kill Us” (direct­ed by San­dra Net­tel­beck) at the Locarno Film Fes­ti­val 2018. The upcom­ing release in Ger­many will be on the 15th of Novem­ber 2018.

Syn­op­sis: As a divorced father of two teenage daugh­ters, with his ex-wife as best friend, too many pecu­liar patients and a new dog, psy­chother­a­pist Max doesn’t need anoth­er chal­lenge. But when Sophie, a com­pul­sive gam­bler with a boyfriend prob­lem, shows up late for her appoint­ment, she rocks his world and he falls in love with her. The more Max attempts to keep it pro­fes­sion­al, the more their lives get entan­gled. So how can he man­age to help her with­out get­ting involved? How can lov­ing her not lead to los­ing her alto­geth­er? Wrestling with his con­science and his heart, torn between the patient and the woman he loves, he has no choice but to stick to the famous air­plane rule: help your­self first before you can help oth­ers.


Locarno Film­fes­ti­val Pro­gram & Sec­tions