WORKSHOP : Inter­ac­tion Design and Non-Line­ar Sto­rytel­ling with Touch­De­si­gner by Abstraqt

WORKSHOP : Inter­ac­tion Design and Non-Line­ar Sto­rytel­ling with Touch­De­si­gner by Abstraqt
Hi !
The self-orga­ni­zed film­school Film­ar­che is orga­ni­zing a two days work­shop about Inter­ac­tion Design and Non-Line­ar Sto­rytel­ling with Touch­De­si­gner taught by Abstraqt/​Sasha DF. It will take place on the 25th-26th of Janu­ary, each day from 11am to 7pm (with a break of two hours in the midd­le).
ℹ️ INFOS ℹ️
This work­shop intro­du­ces par­ti­ci­pan­ts to the pro­cess of crea­ting inter­ac­ti­ve instal­la­ti­ons and per­for­man­ces. Using easi­ly acces­si­ble tech (such as web­cams or pho­nes), we will expe­ri­ment with buil­ding simp­le yet dyna­mic and respon­si­ve mul­ti­me­dia nar­ra­ti­ves that can inter­act with the body of the per­for­mer or audi­ence, respond to chan­ges in the envi­ron­ment through sound, video or light, unfold throug­hout the space, or use non-line­ar tem­po­ral struc­tu­re.
We will be pri­ma­ri­ly using the soft­ware Touch­De­si­gner, a ver­sa­ti­le pro­gram often used in video art and inter­ac­tion design, sui­ta­ble for peo­p­le with no pro­gramming or tech­ni­cal back­ground. The free ver­si­on is suf­fi­ci­ent for the work­shop.
The work­shop will con­sist of four modu­les (two per day), each las­ting for 3 hours. In the last modu­le, you will deve­lop group pro­jects using the tools intro­du­ced in the work­shop. As a crea­ti­ve prompt for this last part, you will be asked to read a short text (5 pages).
Regis­ter here and secu­re yours­elf a spot (!). The pri­ce ran­ge is bet­ween 80 and 120euros. https://​work​shops​.film​ar​che​.de/​e​v​e​n​t​/​2​4​0​1​2​5​_​t​o​u​c​h​d​e​s​i​g​ner
