You need a musi­cal pie­ce? Or a who­le sound­track? Hit me up!

Hi, I’m Ano­ther Warm Autumn, 30 y/​o, a musi­ci­an, com­po­ser and pro­du­cer based in Ber­lin, and I want to be total­ly straight to you: I’ve been wri­ting songs for near­ly two deca­des, gathe­red a some­what impres­si­ve musi­cal know­ledge and I’m doing this now pro­fes­sio­nal­ly.
But I have never writ­ten a pie­ce for a movie, short film or any other cine­ma­tic pro­ject. This is some­thing I real­ly want to chan­ge howe­ver, that’s why I’m rea­ching out to you: If you’­re loo­king for any kind of music for your cur­rent pro­ject, hit me up! My ser­vices would be free, of cour­se. You can check out my music first, get an impres­si­on, or we can talk direct­ly and see if we’d col­la­bo­ra­te. Gai­ning mutual­ly.
