Month: February 2018

The Berli­nale Tal­ents and Per­spek­tive Deutsches Kino Kom­pagnon Fel­low­ships go to Jide Tom Akin­leminu and Julian Radl­maier

We are very hap­py to announce that two DFFB alum­ni, Julian Radl­maier and Jide Tom Akin­leminu, were award­ed the Kom­pagnon Fel­low­ship with a stipend of €5000 today. The award sup­ports new projects by direc­tors and screen­writ­ers from Berli­nale Tal­ents 2018 and direc­tors from Per­spek­tive Deutsches Kino 2017.


When a Farm Goes Aflame, the Flakes Fly Home to Bear the Tale by Jide Tom Akin­leminu


Blut­sauger by Julian Radl­maier

More infor­ma­tion here.


Two awards for DFFB films at the “Ger­man Film­crit­ics Awards 2017”

We are very hap­py and excit­ed. Two DFFB films won  at the renowned “Ger­man Film­crit­ics Awards”. The DFFB direc­tors Julian Radl­maier and Alexan­dre Koberidze are the win­ners of yes­ter­days’ evening, award­ed by the Ger­man Film­crit­ics Assosi­a­tion.

Self­critism of a bour­go­is dog  (D: Julian Radl­maier, DoP: Markus Koob) won the award for Best First Fea­ture Film.

Let the sum­mer nev­er come again (D:/DoP:  Alexan­dre Koberidze) won the award for Best Exper­i­men­tal Film.



Ser­i­al Eyes opens online appli­ca­tion 2018/​​2019

Ser­i­al Eyes, Europe’s pre­mier post­grad­u­ate train­ing pro­gramme for tele­vi­sion writ­ers and pro­duc­ers host­ed by the DFFB has opened its online appli­ca­tion plat­form. Writ­ers and producer’s from Ger­many and Europe are invit­ed to apply for the next round.

More infor­ma­tion on Ser­i­al Eyes as such and the online appli­ca­tion process on ser​i​al​-eyes​.com.

Berli­nale Tal­ents: Chris­t­ian Pet­zold talk­ing with Ben Gib­son

Ger­man auteur film direc­tor Chris­t­ian Pet­zold (Yel­la; Bar­bara) shares the invis­i­ble inspi­ra­tions for his new fea­ture film Tran­sit, which pre­mieres in this year’s Com­pe­ti­tion. Based on Anna Segher’s famous nov­el of the same name, Pet­zold had orig­i­nal­ly devel­oped the script togeth­er with lat­er deceased film­mak­er and friend Harun Faroc­ki: “Tran­sit was our favourite book, we read it once a year. It’s actu­al­ly our sto­ry: this being-thrown-into-the-world.“ In this talk, Pet­zold and actor Bar­bara Auer revis­it the pro­duc­tion process. They explain how they uncov­ered, rethought and refreshed the core and char­ac­ters of the his­tor­i­cal nar­ra­tion in inten­sive dia­logues and rehearsals with the cast and crew, whom Pet­zold calls his “par­ti­san group.“

Don’t miss it: Wednes­day, 21st Feb. 2018, 5 pm at HAU 2


Inter­na­tion­al Film Fes­ti­val Rot­ter­dam — IFFR
ELLA UND NELL (R: Aline Chuk­wue­do, B: Sabi­na Gröner/​Aline Chuk­wue­do, K: Sebas­t­ian Lempe, P: Ibrahim-Utku Erdo­gan) feiert seine Welt­premiere in der Bright Future Com­pe­ti­tion des Fes­ti­vals.

Film­fes­ti­val Max Ophüls Preis
Im Wet­tbe­werb für mit­tel­lange Filme wird FREMDE (R: Tim Dün­schede, B: Marc Vogel, K: Hol­ger Jung­nick­el, P: Patrick Schorn) seine Welt­premiere freiern.

Im Kurz­filmwet­tbe­werb haben 4,95 (R/​B: Timo Bénit, K: Kon­stan­tin Kann, P: Grischa Sauter) und NIKOTYNA (R/​B: Ewa Wikiel, K: Jesse Mazuch, P: Rox­ana Richters) eben­falls ihre Welt­premieren.

SARAH SPIELT EINEN WERWOLF (R: Katha­ri­na Wyss, B: Katha­ri­na Wyss, Josa Seskin, K: Armin Dierlof, P: Christophe Marzal) und HAGAZUSSA (R/​B: Lukas Feigelfeld, K: Mariel Baque­iro, P: Simon Lubin­s­ki, Lukas Feigelfeld) laufen im Spielfilmwet­tbe­werb des Film­fes­ti­val Max Ophüls Preis.

Inter­na­tionale Film­fest­spiele Berlin
Kine­s­ki zid/​Great Wall of Chi­na (R/​B: Alek­san­dra Odić, K: Katha­ri­na Diess­ner, P: Natasa Janković, Alek­san­dra Odić) wird in der Per­spek­tive Deutsches Kino Deutsch­land­premiere feiern.