Films dur­ing your stud­ies

Over 80 films are completed at the DFFB each year: short and feature-length, fiction and documentary films.

Films realised during the Basic Studies 

During the first two semesters, all students, regardless of their level of knowledge and specialisations, take part in a generalist curriculum. During each semester, students create fiction and documentary films, and there is an emphasis on shooting on 16 mm film (we call it EK).

At the end of the first year (the second semester), each student writes, produces, and directs a short film (first-year film, max. 7 minutes) and works in the areas of cinematography, light, sound, or production management on 6–7 other films.

All students participate—according to their specialisation—in creating a basic studies film (we call it GK). Cinematography, Directing, Producing, and Editing & Sound students must work on each short film (basic studies film, max. 20 minutes). Screenwriting students work on developing the screenplays of these films. The films are then shot and post-produced in the fifth semester.


Films realised during the Main Studies

During the main studies phase, students first shoot an individual film (max. 30 minutes) in teams (we call it IF), and then begin developing their graduation film (we call it AF). Their films can be of any genre and of any length. The graduation films can be financed in cooperation with external partners, with co-productions and grants from public broadcasters. The DFFB produces 8–12 feature-length films every year.


Extracurricular Films

In addition to the four films realised during their studies, all students have the opportunity to participate in extracurricular film projects or to submit an idea to external funding programmes.

RBB Movies: In co-production with the television broadcaster Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg, Directing, Producing, and Screenwriting students can develop six short films of approximately 14 minutes in length, which should form a miniseries when combined. The aim is to create contemporary stories dealing with contemporary issues, filmed and located in Berlin/Brandenburg.

Once a year, the Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg and the Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg support graduation films by DFFB students under the label LEUCHTSTOFFE. These films can be feature-length fiction films or feature-length documentaries.

Additionally, each year television broadcasters ARTE/SWR produce up to ten five-minute films on a specific issue.

During the realisation of all their film projects, students are supervised by our senior lecturers, heads of studies, and director. During production, students work closely with the DFFB production department; during post-production, students are supported by the DFFB staff who assist them both technically and creatively.