Cen­tral Europe Fea­ture Project

The Cen­tral Europe Fea­ture Project (CEFP)

The Cen­tral Europe Fea­ture Project (CEFP) is a joint ini­tia­tive between the DFFB Berlin, FAMU Prague and Łódź film schools. It is an inten­sive fea­ture film devel­op­ment work­shop, tak­ing writer-direc­tor-pro­duc­er teams through the detailed stages of sto­ry and script devel­op­ment, and also bring­ing
par­tic­i­pants from dif­fer­ent schools and coun­tries togeth­er to incu­bate new teams and new projects.

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The Cen­tral Europe Fea­ture Project was made pos­si­ble with the gen­er­ous fund­ing and sup­port of the VGF: