Film x Music: Pan­el Dis­cus­sion on Col­lab­o­ra­tions between Film­mak­ers and Musi­cians

Film­net­zw­erk Berlin, Music Pool Berlin and KREATIV KULTUR BERLIN are invit­ing both film­mak­ers and musi­cians to an online pan­el and exchange.

Music is part of so many films, how­ev­er some­times it comes in as an after­thought and very late in the process, or has lit­tle bud­get ded­i­cat­ed to it. Film­mak­ers and musi­cians often strug­gle to find a joint vocab­u­lary to talk about both their per­spec­tives and artis­tic ideas. And then, there are also orga­ni­za­tion­al process­es, like licens­ing and secur­ing copy­rights, that both sides have ques­tions about. How can film­mak­ers and musi­cians bet­ter work togeth­er? How to bet­ter under­stand each other’s process­es, approach­es and require­ments?

With two teams of film­mak­ers and musi­cians who have col­lab­o­rat­ed on recent projects, we would like to explore their col­lab­o­ra­tive process­es from both a cre­ative and an orga­ni­za­tion­al angle.

  • How can film­mak­ers and musi­cians come up with a joint vocab­u­lary to talk about music in a film?
  • How to devel­op ideas for sound for a film?
  • What chal­lenges and best prac­tices have come up dur­ing the col­lab­o­ra­tive process­es?
  • What are legal ques­tions to keep in mind?

After the dis­cus­sion, we will cre­ate spaces for those of you inter­est­ed to get to know each oth­er bet­ter or exchange per­spec­tives about a top­ic in more depth. The small break out group con­ver­sa­tions will be option­al, for those who are inter­est­ed to talk more.

We will also offer a notice board for you in the meet­ing room to post, for exam­ple, if you are look­ing for music for your film, or if you’d like to show your music to film­mak­ers. So we hope that also in the dig­i­tal space, some con­nec­tions can be made.

Par­tic­i­pa­tion in the meet­ing is free. Please reg­is­ter with your email address here: https://​bit​.ly/​3​h​b​L​KRJ and we will send you the link to the meet­ing. You can reg­is­ter at any time, also short­ly before the meet­ing. The event will take place in Eng­lish lan­guage.


Team M(OTHER): Anto­nia Hunger­land & Markus Zier­hofer

As a for­mer pro­jec­tion­ist, Anto­nia Hunger­land, born in Wup­per­tal, in 1985, knows cin­e­ma from the inside. In India, in 2008, she shot her first fea­ture doc­u­men­tary fol­lowed by sev­er­al short films. In addi­tion she assist­ed in var­i­ous film and tele­vi­sion pro­duc­tions. At the Film Uni­ver­si­ty Babels­berg KONRAD WOLF she stud­ied direct­ing and passed her diplo­ma with dis­tinc­tion. (M)OTHER is her grad­u­a­tion film.

Aus­tri­an com­pos­er Markus Zier­hofer has been cre­at­ing music and sound worlds for over a decade for inde­pen­dent film pro­duc­tions as well as inter­na­tion­al col­lab­o­ra­tions for Net­flix, Dis­ney, Uni­ver­sal or abc. After his Bach­e­lor in com­po­si­tion and Mas­ter degree in film music at the Film Uni­ver­si­ty Babels­berg Kon­rad Wolf he is work­ing on var­i­ous for­mats in his stu­dio in Berlin, blend­ing and bend­ing musi­cal gen­res of all kinds to find the extra­or­di­nary tone for each project.

Team KOKON: Leonie Krip­pen­dorff & Maya Postep­s­ki

Leonie Krip­pen­dorff was born in Berlin, Ger­many in 1985. She stud­ied direct­ing at the Film Uni­ver­si­ty Babels­berg Kon­rad Wolf from 2009 to 2016. Her grad­u­a­tion film, Loop­ing, was nom­i­nat­ed for numer­ous nation­al and inter­na­tion­al prizes and won sev­er­al. Her debut fea­ture film, KOKON, pre­miered as the open­ing film of Berli­nale Gen­er­a­tion 14plus in 2020. She is cur­rent­ly work­ing on the screen­plays for two new fea­ture film projects. Vari­ety chose her as one of „10 Euro­peans to Watch 2020“.

Maya Postep­s­ki is a Cana­di­an musi­cian and pro­duc­er from Toron­to, cur­rent­ly based in Berlin. She has been mak­ing music for over fif­teen years, best known as drum­mer of the elec­tron­ic group Aus­tra (Domi­no). She is a mul­ti-instru­men­tal­ist, pro­lif­ic remix artist and DJ. Maya co-wrote and pro­duced music for TR/​ST, worked as a vocal­ist with Egyp­trixx, and cur­rent­ly plays live with Emel Math­louthi and Peach­es. She per­forms solo under the title Princess Cen­tu­ry, and will release her third solo album in late 2020. She is also active­ly involved in con­sult­ing for dance, fash­ion shows, com­mer­cial work and film scores. Maya was invit­ed to par­tic­i­pate in the 2018 ses­sion of the Berli­nale Tal­ents pro­gram as a film com­pos­er, and scored Leonie Krip­pen­dorf­f’s lat­est fea­ture film, KOKON, which pre­miered at Berli­nale 2020. She also scored Stephen Dun­n’s Clos­et Mon­ster which won Best Cana­di­an fea­ture at the Toron­to Inter­na­tion­al Film Fes­ti­val.


Sabine Stey­er-Vio­let is a screen­writer (Oth­er Par­ents, TNT Series) and cre­ative pro­duc­er (Unortho­dox, cre­at­ed by Anna Winger, Net­flix Series) and some­times works as a music super­vi­sor (Bad Banks, ZDF/​Arte) too. She stud­ied visu­al com­mu­ni­ca­tion with Wim Wen­ders and Gerd Rosch­er at the Hochschule für bildende Kün­ste Ham­burg. She com­plet­ed a fea­ture length doc­u­men­tary, var­i­ous doc­u­men­tary con­tri­bu­tions for Arte, 3sat and ZDF kul­tur and has worked as pro­duc­tion man­ag­er and cre­ative pro­duc­er for inter­na­tion­al fea­ture films, music videos and TV series togeth­er with Til­da Swin­ton, Christoph Schlin­gen­sief, Moni­ka Treut and many oth­ers. She has also found­ed the music con­sult­ing com­pa­ny Super­tape togeth­er with Melis­sa Perales and super­vised projects by Chris­t­ian Schwo­chow, Sami­ra Rad­si and Edgar Berg­er. Sabine lives in Berlin and cur­rent­ly devel­ops and writes sev­er­al scripts for TV and cin­e­ma.


Datum:           Mittwoch, 1. Juli 2020
Uhrzeit:          17 – 19 Uhr
Ort:                  online – Zoom ID fol­gt per Mail!