Film­net­zw­erk + Visionär Film Fes­ti­val Pan­el: The words of the Mon­ster – Futur­is­tic imag­i­na­tion in the cin­e­ma vs. the colo­nial regime

Tak­ing a quick look at cin­e­ma since its foun­da­tion, it is very easy to see how deci­sive it was in shap­ing the imag­i­nary of rela­tion­ships between the glob­al north and south, between men and women, black and white, past and future, between the Us and the Oth­ers. For­get­ful­ness being one of the fun­da­men­tal tools of the colo­nial regime, cin­e­ma emerged as the per­fect instru­ment to make non-nor­ma­tive peo­ple for­get our human­i­ty and turned us into mon­sters. From that place to which colo­nial his­to­ry des­tined us, we, the mon­sters, began to speak and, very recent­ly, to be heard. But how does a mon­ster speak? What lan­guage do we mon­sters use to com­mu­ni­cate among our­selves? How do we under­stand and expe­ri­ence time and space in our nar­ra­tives? What imag­i­nar­ies do we build to inhab­it the world with dig­ni­ty, even being mon­sters? How do the monster’s words sur­vive the devour­ing nature of colo­nial cap­i­tal­ism? In this talk, we will speak proud­ly of and from that mon­stros­i­ty, based on the futur­is­tic ideas and aes­thet­ic action of José Este­ban Muñoz, Octavia But­ler, Sarah Mal­doror, Johan Mijail, Iki Yos, Sal­ly Fenaux Bar­l­ey­corn, Djib­ril Diop Mam­bé­ty, Glo­ria Anzaldúa, Sara Gómez, among oth­ers.

With Dami Sainz Edwards

  • When: Sun­day, Novem­ber 14th 2021, 2:30pm
  • Where: ACUD­ki­no, Vet­er­a­nen­straße 21, 10119 Berlin, Kino 1
  • Free entrance. First come, first served.