FILMSPARKS – 50 Years DFFB — book pub­li­ca­tion


FILMSPARKS – 50 Years DFFB, writ­ten in both Ger­man and Eng­lish, asks fifty film­mak­ers about the moments in their lives in which a cre­ative awak­en­ing – a spark – took place through their encoun­ters with peo­ple, films, or art. This book was writ­ten on the occa­sion of the fifti­eth anniver­sary of the Deutschen Film- und Fernse­hakademie Berlin (DFFB) and is pub­lished by the DFFB.

Price:  €17.95 incl. VAT

To order the book through email: please send an email to info@​dffb.​de with FILMFUNKE in the sub­ject line. Please indi­cate the num­ber of books desired and your mail­ing address. After effec­tu­at­ing the pay­ment, the film book will be shipped. There is a ship­ping cost of €1.95 per book.

*Please note and take into con­sid­er­a­tion that we will work on inter­na­tion­al requests indi­vid­u­al­ly.

To buy the book direct­ly from the DFFB, please vis­it the DFFB at the Filmhaus in Pots­damer Platz, 9th floor, Monday–Friday, 10 am–12 pm.

About the book

“The col­lect­ed texts range from con­tem­pla­tions on for­ma­tive sem­i­nars and films, to rev­e­la­tions about the begin­nings of a filmmaker’s jour­ney, to the expe­ri­ence of birthing an indi­vid­ual cre­ative vision, which can­not be taught. This film book reflects upon the ten­sion sparked between the act of teach­ing and the act of resis­tance towards being taught – a ten­sion that is at the heart of the DFFB’s his­to­ry. Con­trib­u­tors include Angela Schan­elec, Ulrich Sei­dl, Helke Sander, Lav Diaz, Chris­t­ian Pet­zold, Cristi­na Nord, Einar Schleef, Hart­mut Bit­o­m­sky, Ulrike Ottinger, and Harun Faroc­ki.”

Nico­las Wacker­barth and Mar­cus Seib­ert (edi­tors)

50 Years DFFB

The DFFB cel­e­brat­ed its fifti­eth birth­day in Sep­tem­ber 2016. In 2016 and 2017, we pre­sent­ed a vari­ety of events such as the DFFB Film Fes­ti­val in the Eiszeit Kino, the major ret­ro­spec­tive of DFFB films at the Arse­nal cin­e­ma, the DFFB ses­sions, the sym­po­sium The Shock of the Real, and the urban cin­e­ma series Back on Loca­tion. All these events focused on DFFB film­mak­ers and show­cased their work. Now, at the end of this peri­od of cel­e­bra­tion, we have pub­lished FILMSPARKS – 50 Years DFFB, a book, writ­ten in both Ger­man and Eng­lish, in which film­mak­ers, prac­ti­tion­ers, the­o­rists, and DFFB alum­ni and friends share their thoughts on film­mak­ing and reflect on the his­to­ry of the DFFB.

FILMSPARKS – 50 Years DFFB was made pos­si­ble through the kind finan­cial sup­port of the Stiftung Deutsche Klassen­lot­terie Berlin as well as the through the above-men­tioned events.