Hagazus­sa hits cin­e­mas on May 17th 2018

The DFFB fea­ture film HAGAZUSSA (R/​B: Lukas Feigelfeld, K: Mariel Baque­iro, P: Simon Lubin­s­ki, Lukas Feigelfeld) hits select Ger­man-lan­guage the­atres start­ing May 17th 2017. The offi­cial the­atri­cal dis­trib­u­tor for the film is For­got­ten Film Enter­tain­ment. Indeed Films is respon­si­ble for VOD dis­tri­b­u­tion.

Hagazus­sa is a dark tale of a woman’s strug­gle with her own san­i­ty. In a time when pagan beliefs of witch­es spread fear into the minds of the rur­al folk, the film aims to explore the thin line between ancient beliefs, mag­ic and delu­sion­al psy­chosis.

Fol­low­ing its suc­cess­ful World Pre­miere at Fan­tas­tic Fest in Austin, where it won the Next Wave Award for Best Film, HAGAZUSSA has gone on to screen at renowned film fes­ti­vals such as CPH:PIX, the BFI Lon­don Film Fes­ti­val and the Max Ophüls Prize Film Fes­ti­val