In the mat­ter of: film shoot in Dubrovnik

“A crew of DFFB stu­dents who were assigned the exer­cise of mak­ing a short doc­u­men­tary have been film­ing a still pho­tog­ra­phy ses­sion planned by the sub­ject of the film. We now under­stand that the shoot includ­ed semi-nude pho­tog­ra­phy in the loca­tion of a Dubrovnic ortho­dox church. Some­times when film­mak­ers are giv­en con­sid­er­able free­dom to make their ear­ly films, basic mis­takes are made which can cause hurt and offence to oth­ers, how­ev­er unin­ten­tion­al­ly.  The acad­e­my, which val­ues artis­tic free­dom very high­ly, was in fact not aware of the speci­fici­ties of the scene or the loca­tion cho­sen. To the degree that our academy’s unit has caused offence with this film­ing, we whole­heart­ed­ly apol­o­gise to the con­gre­ga­tion of this church and the peo­ple of Dubrovnik.”

Ben Gib­son, Direc­tor of the DFFB