Ser­i­al Ger­many: 10. — 12. Nov. 2017

Against the back­drop of the oft-evoked “gold­en age” of US pay TV, the need to rein­vig­o­rate Ger­man seri­als has been on the agen­da for years. Sev­en years after Dominik Graf’s mile­stone IM ANGESICHT DES VERBRECHENS /​ IN THE FACE OF CRIME (2010), a new gen­er­a­tion of Ger­man ser­i­al-mak­ers is now at work, large­ly, albeit with a few excep­tions, tak­ing Amer­i­can role mod­els and stan­dards as their point of ref­er­ence.

In SERIAL GERMANY, the Deutsche Film- und Fernse­hakademie Berlin (dffb), in con­junc­tion with its post-grad­u­ate pro­gramme Ser­i­al Eyes and the Film­net­zw­erk Berlin, seeks to enter into dia­logue with key play­ers in more cur­rent pro­duc­tions. The issues to be explored include pro­duc­tion con­di­tions, the role of the “Amer­i­can mod­el” but also the aes­thet­ic and soci­etal sig­nif­i­cance of ser­i­al-for­mat sto­ry­telling. Some of the high­lights on our guest list: Uli Hanisch (BABYLON Berlin, 2017), Hans-Chris­t­ian Schmid and Julia Jentsch (DAS VERSCHWINDEN /​THE VANISHING, 2017), Han­no Hack­fort, Richard Kropf and Bob Kon­rad (4 BLOCKS, 2016), Chris­t­ian Schwo­chow, Oliv­er Kien­le, Jana Bur­bach, Jan Gal­li (BAD BANKS, 2017), as well as Jan Bon­ny and Alex Wis­sel (ÜBER BARBAROSSAPLATZ /​ABOVE BARBAROSSAPLATZ, 2016).