Now online: Chris­t­ian Pet­zold and Bar­bara Auer mod­er­at­ed by Ben Gib­son dur­ing the Berli­nale Tal­ents

Ger­man auteur film direc­tor Chris­t­ian Pet­zold (Yel­la; Bar­bara) shared the invis­i­ble inspi­ra­tions for his new fea­ture film Tran­sit, which had pre­miere in this year’s Com­pe­ti­tion of the Berli­nale. Based on Anna Segher’s famous nov­el of the same name, Pet­zold had orig­i­nal­ly devel­oped the script togeth­er with lat­er deceased film­mak­er and friend Harun Faroc­ki: “Tran­sit was our favourite book, we read it once a year. It’s actu­al­ly our sto­ry: this being-thrown-into-the-world.“ In this talk, Pet­zold and actor Bar­bara Auer revis­it the pro­duc­tion process. They explain how they uncov­ered, rethought and refreshed the core and char­ac­ters of the his­tor­i­cal nar­ra­tion in inten­sive dia­logues and rehearsals with the cast and crew, whom Pet­zold calls his “par­ti­san group.“

This is an archived event. Watch it again:
