Film­mak­ers for Ukraine

Crew Unit­ed has launched the cen­tral plat­form “Film­mak­ers for Ukraine” for all Ukraini­ans affect­ed by the war. In par­tic­u­lar, those seek­ing help from Ukraine can find out about cur­rent and ver­i­fied offers of help from all over Europe. For peo­ple who want to get involved, the site also offers a good overview with numer­ous con­tact points.

In addi­tion, there are offers specif­i­cal­ly tai­lored to the film indus­try as well as a page curat­ed by film jour­nal­ists on impor­tant doc­u­men­taries and fea­ture films about Ukraine.

Togeth­er with indus­try part­ners, Crew Unit­ed has thus cre­at­ed a valu­able plat­form that pro­vides struc­tured infor­ma­tion for all those seek­ing help and those who would like to get involved.

The DFFB thanks Crew Unit­ed and its part­ners and joins them in spread­ing the word.
