DFFB cel­e­brates five nom­i­na­tions for the First Steps Awards

The 20th First First Steps Awards will be pre­sent­ed on Sep­tem­ber 9, 2019, and the DFFB is delight­ed to have five nom­i­na­tions for these cov­et­ed awards:

Direc­tor Susanne Hein­rich’s fea­ture film DAS MELANCHOLISCHE MÄDCHEN has been nom­i­nat­ed for the best fea­ture-length film, which comes with a €25,000 prize.

Direc­tor Lothar Her­zog’s fea­ture film 1986 has also been nom­i­nat­ed in the same cat­e­go­ry.

Cin­e­matog­ra­ph­er Agnesh Pakoz­di is nom­i­nat­ed for the MICHAEL BALLHAUS PRIZE, which comes with a €10,000 prize, for her work on DAS MELANCHOLISCHE MÄDCHEN.

Pro­duc­er Romana Janik is nom­i­nat­ed for the NO FEAR AWARD, which comes with a €10,000 prize, for her work on the film 1986.

And final­ly, Jacob Haupt­mann’s screen­play ZEIT DER MONSTER is nom­i­nat­ed for the FIRST STEPS SCREENPLAY PRIZE, which comes with a €10,000 prize.


About the films/​screenplay


A girl roams through the city look­ing for a place to sleep. Along the way she meets young moth­ers who cel­e­brate moth­er­hood reli­gious­ly, goes home with an absti­nent exis­ten­tial­ist for whom sex is “just anoth­er mar­ket”, and waits for the end of cap­i­tal­ism in a drag bar. Her attempt to write a book doesn’t make it beyond the first sen­tence of the sec­ond chap­ter, and she finds no space between art gal­leries, yoga stu­dios, and the beds of strangers. Instead of try­ing to fit in, she starts per­ceiv­ing her depres­sion as a polit­i­cal issue. Through 15 of the girl’s humor­ous encoun­ters, DAS MELANCHOLISCHE MÄDCHEN, explores our post-mod­ern soci­ety between pre­car­i­ty and self-mar­ket­ing, ser­i­al monogamy and neo-spir­i­tu­al­i­ty, dis­il­lu­sion­ment and the pres­sure to be hap­py. Susanne Heinrich’s debut film brings togeth­er pop and the­o­ry, fem­i­nism and humour, and gives you tons of quotes you’ll want to see on adver­tis­ing bill­boards in neon let­ters.



Ele­na is a stu­dent in Min­sk, Belarus. She has a pas­sion­ate but increas­ing­ly dif­fi­cult rela­tion­ship with her boyfriend Vic­tor. When her father is sud­den­ly arrest­ed, she has to con­tin­ue his ille­gal busi­ness­es. In order to make deals for him, she must repeat­ed­ly dri­ve into the ‘for­bid­den zone’ of Tch­er­nobyl. She is fas­ci­nat­ed by the zone’s decep­tive beauty—but soon her life seems con­t­a­m­i­nat­ed by a destruc­tive force…



It’s the sum­mer of 1914, just before the begin­ning of the First World War. Elsa (19), a nurse with a strict Calvin­ist upbring­ing, takes a posi­tion in a remote hos­pi­tal ward in the Ger­man colony of Cameroon. While the lead­ing physi­cian Alexan­der (37), with Elsa’s help, rig­or­ous­ly pur­sues his research to cre­ate a drug against nar­colep­sy, his wife Lydia (28) strug­gles to find mean­ing in her life. When Elsa dis­cov­ers sev­er­al poi­soned ani­mals in the infir­mary, the com­man­der of the near­est police force begins to inves­ti­gate the case with bru­tal meth­ods. The irrup­tion of vio­lence caus­es the already frag­ile struc­ture of the infir­mary to col­lapse and brings repressed desires to the sur­face, which plunges Elsa’s ordered world view into chaos.