Short Film | 2017 | Ger­many | 15 min­utes



Where to go if not to work? One morn­ing, on a park­ing place some­where in Ger­many, a man decides not to leave his car, but to flee into the woods. Hunt­ed by the long­ing to break out and on the search for some­thing real, nat­ur­al, he starts a fan­tas­tic jour­ney through the for­est. A sur­re­al­is­tic film of six episodes about a man dar­ing to step out of soci­ety to find less of “nature” but more of him­self.



Direc­tor: Tan­ja Egen
Author: Tan­ja Egen
Cin­e­matog­ra­ph­er: Katha­ri­na Schelling
Pro­duc­er: Jen­nifer Egen, Katha­ri­na Schelling