Wieland Baud­er

Script Author

WIELAND BAUDER – 1984–89, Acad­e­my of Fine Arts, Stuttgart (Sculp­ture, Pho­tog­ra­phy). Numer­ous exhi­bi­tions at home and abroad. Since 1997 work as a scriptwriter (fea­ture films, series, dub­bing). ´Die Tode­sautomatik´ nom­i­nat­ed for Deutsche Fernseh­preis. Since 2007 at the DFFB (Strate­gies of Polit­i­cal Sto­ry­telling, char­ac­ter devel­op­ment, Lau­rie Hutzler´s ´Emo­tion­al Tool­box´). Men­tor­ing of numer­ous genre-treat­ments, first years´ and final scripts. Inter­ests: Youth cul­ture, New Hol­ly­wood, for­got­ten movies.