Pino Solanas is com­ing to DFFB

This week, there will be a prepa­ra­tion sem­i­nar with Peter B. Schu­mann und Enrique Sánchez Lan­sch for the mas­ter­class of Pino Solanas at the DFFB.

As part of the prepa­ra­tion week, there will be a lec­ture for stu­dents by Ben Gib­son on Wednes­day, Sep­tem­ber 26th:

Third Cin­e­ma, People’s News­reels and the Counter-Infor­ma­tion Cin­e­ma before and after the Latin Amer­i­can New Wave

Ben Gib­son will give a lec­ture illus­trat­ed by short clips which aims to put Solanas’ work, from La Hora de los Hornos onwards, in the aes­thet­ic and his­tor­i­cal con­text of wider “par­al­lel” and “alter­na­tive” cin­e­ma, both its ances­try and inher­i­tances up to today, from Eisen­stein to the Web Essay.

After 15 years Pino Solanas is vis­it­ing the DFFB and its stu­dents for the sec­ond time. Solanas’ first, and still most impor­tant fea­ture, La hora de los hornos, had reper­cus­sions across Latin Amer­i­ca and the world as a mod­el of a polit­i­cal­ly mil­i­tant cin­e­ma, by pro­vid­ing counter-infor­ma­tion to con­tra­dict the long-estab­lished dis­cours­es that nat­u­ralised social inequal­i­ties and pro­vid­ed cov­er for elites who, in coop­er­a­tion with for­eign cap­i­tal, exploit­ed the lands and peo­ples of the con­ti­nent. The film, in what Solanas dubbed a “cine-acto”, pro­vokes the spec­ta­tor to act through the use of cin­e­ma vérité and news­reel footage, inter­views, shock mon­tage and by inter­rupt­ing itself to call for debate.

Fer­nan­do Eze­quiel ‘Pino’ Solanas, born 16 Feb­ru­ary 1936, is an Argen­tine film direc­tor, screen­writer and politi­cian. His films include La hora de los hornos (The Hour of the Fur­naces, 1968), Tan­gos: el exilio de Gardel (1985), Sur (1988), El via­je (1992), La nube (1998) and Memo­ria del saqueo (2004), among many oth­ers. Since 2013, he has been a Nation­al Sen­a­tor rep­re­sent­ing the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.