Open Doors 2022

Wel­come to the DFFB!

The 8th and 9th floor of the “Filmhaus at Pots­damer Platz” is the home of the Ger­man Film and Tele­vi­sion Acad­e­my Berlin. On Novem­ber 12th, we will open our doors from 11am to 5pm to every­one who wants to study at the DFFB and is curi­ous to get to know the acad­e­my includ­ing our stu­dents, lec­tur­ers and staff.

If you’ve always want­ed to know what hap­pens in a grad­ing suite and how to choose the right cam­era for your project, you’ll find answers dur­ing demon­stra­tions of our film tech­nol­o­gy and guid­ed tours through the Acad­e­my.

For all those who would like to study at the DFFB, we offer study coun­selling for Screen­writ­ing, Cin­e­matog­ra­phy, Direct­ing, Pro­duc­ing and Edit­ing & Sound. You can also find details on how to apply for the aca­d­e­m­ic year 2023/​24 on our web­site.

In addi­tion, you can look for­ward to an excit­ing dis­cus­sion about the study peri­od and the first steps in the film indus­try with two suc­cess­ful grad­u­ates of the DFFB, host­ed by our direc­tor Cather­ine Ann Berg­er.

As always: With­out films, with­out us. That’s why we are pre­sent­ing a diverse short film pro­gramme with pro­duc­tions by our stu­dents at our cin­e­ma.

Here, you can find the pro­gramme with all events.

We look for­ward to your vis­it!

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Pho­tographs will be tak­en at DFFB events and may be pub­lished on our web­site, in pub­li­ca­tions and on the DFFB’s social media chan­nels. By par­tic­i­pat­ing in the event, vis­i­tors agree to this.