In addition to teaching the craft of filmmaking, the DFFB prioritises the development of each student’s individual creative voice as well as practical—and intensive—creative collaboration.

The DFFB offers five full-time programmes of study (also known as specialisations): Screenwriting, Cinematography, Directing, Producing and Editing & Sound.
The required coursework and the certification are comparable to those of the fine arts or arts and sciences programmes of German state universities. The DFFB, however, does not offer a master’s or bachelor’s degree.
The studies of Cinematography, Directing, Producing, and Editing & Sound students end with the production and completion of a graduation film. The studies of screenwriting students end with the completion of a graduation screenplay. All graduates receive a diploma detailing their achievements and the films on which they worked during their studies.
In addition to learning the practical craft of filmmaking, students continuously deepen their understanding of film history as well as of the economic and technical production conditions of the film and television industries. Students are also taught aesthetic and formal methods of expression to help them develop a creative means of self-expression, which integrates both classical and new narrative forms. For more than 50 years, the DFFB has been offering young talents an energetic, productive, and free-spirited environment in which to learn the skills and creativity needed to master the various elements of professional filmmaking: story development and screenwriting, directing, cinematography, producing, and editing and sound.