Seri­al Eyes: Call for Appli­ca­ti­ons

Pas­sio­na­te sto­rytel­lers wan­ted! Are you rea­dy to embark on a jour­ney into the cap­ti­vat­ing world of tele­vi­si­on sto­rytel­ling? Seri­al Eyes is YOUR cata­lyst for unlo­cking your poten­ti­al and making waves in the dyna­mic realm of TV!

What we’­re loo­king for!

1. Pro­fes­sio­nal Expe­ri­ence: If you’­re a sea­so­ned wri­ter or sto­rytel­ler with expe­ri­ence in seri­al wri­ting, we want you!
2. Pas­si­on for Tele­vi­si­on: Bring your love for TV to the fore­front and con­tri­bu­te fresh, inno­va­ti­ve ide­as to the indus­try.
3. Team Play­er: Thri­ve in a diver­se, inter­na­tio­nal team envi­ron­ment with strong col­la­bo­ra­ti­on skills.
4. Fluen­cy in Eng­lish: Essen­ti­al for suc­cess – make sure you’­re pro­fi­ci­ent in Eng­lish.

Why join us?

1. Com­pre­hen­si­ve Trai­ning: Immer­se yours­elf in a cur­ri­cu­lum cove­ring all aspects of TV wri­ting – from mas­te­ring sto­rytel­ling tech­ni­ques to under­stan­ding seri­al nar­ra­ti­ves.
2. Inter­na­tio­nal Per­spec­ti­ve: Con­nect with pro­fes­sio­nals across Euro­pe, fos­te­ring col­la­bo­ra­ti­on and a deeper under­stan­ding of the glo­bal TV indus­try.
3. Indus­try-Dri­ven Approach: Dive into the indus­try with exclu­si­ve mas­ter­clas­ses, stu­dio visits, and net­wor­king oppor­tu­ni­ties. Learn from sea­so­ned pro­fes­sio­nals who’­ve made their mark on TV.
4. Hands-On Pro­ject Deve­lo­p­ment: Bring YOUR ide­as to life! Deve­lop your own TV series con­cept with gui­dance from indus­try experts. Recei­ve inva­luable feed­back to shape your pro­ject for suc­cess.


Rea­dy to ele­va­te your sto­rytel­ling game? App­ly now and be part of an expe­ri­ence that will rede­fi­ne your care­er in tele­vi­si­on!

More infor­ma­ti­on can be found here: https://​seri​al​-eyes​.com/​a​d​m​i​s​s​i​ons – or you can direct­ly app­ly via seria​leyes​.appli​ca​ti​on​.dffb​.de/en!