Ber­lin apart­ment for US short film

Hel­lo dear peo­p­le,

a film crew from the United Sta­tes wants to shoot a roman­tic come­dy short movie in Ber­lin, titled „What Will Work“. Shoo­ting will pro­ba­b­ly take place in June (or even in July) and the movie will be shown at film fes­ti­vals world­wi­de. Here’s the IMDb web link to this film pro­ject: https://​www​.imdb​.com/​t​i​t​l​e​/​t​t​3​0​9​8​2​8​11/

Our team is URGENTLY loo­king for an apart­ment in which we can shoot the film for 2 DAYS.

Unfort­u­na­te­ly (due to the fact that it’s a low- or no-bud­get-movie), the film crew can’t pay a rent for your apart­ment, BUT your name will be shown in the end cre­dits of the movie, on IMDb, on Crew United and else­whe­re. And you would also recei­ve a ticket for the film pre­mier.

Plea­se wri­te a pri­va­te mes­sa­ge to me (via email or Whats­App or Tele­gram) if you have any ques­ti­ons and/​or if you want to let us shoot the film insi­de your apart­ment.

Whats­App & Tele­gram: +49 176 577 97 614
E‑Mail-Address: aleksandarkerosevic@​gmail.​com

