**Loo­king for male Prot­ago­nist**

Hey the­re, film com­mu­ni­ty!
I’m on the loo­kout for a guy (aged 34–38) to take on the role of Adam in my short film. It’s a key part of my appli­ca­ti­on to Film Arche and will be max.10min long. The shoo­ting days are locked for the 22nd and 23rd of May, along with 2–3 Rehear­sals clo­se to the shoot.
If you’­re inte­res­ted, plea­se send over a short show­re­el or simp­le intro­duc­tion video, along with a headshot and a full-body shot. Can’t wait to see your talent shi­ne!

Cha­rac­ter descrip­ti­on:
Meet Adam- He’s navi­ga­ting through a world that feels devo­id of mea­ning. Recent­ly, he aban­do­ned his big­gest dream, lea­ving behind both a bel­oved word and a per­son he deep­ly cared about. Strugg­ling to reinte­gra­te into socie­ty and find pur­po­se, Adam gra­du­al­ly sur­ren­ders to dis­tur­bing hyper-real hal­lu­ci­n­a­ti­ons of gro­tes­que and vio­lent sce­nes, fil­led with bru­ta­li­ty, cha­os, and des­pair.

(!) The pitch paper will be available this fri­day – til then, don’t hesi­ta­te to reach out for any ques­ti­ons.

I’m exci­ted to meet you all! Let’s dive into this jour­ney tog­e­ther.

Dani­ella Lyu­trov­ny
cont­act: daniellaleoniel@​icloud.​com
