We are loo­king for Set desi­gner

Hi ever­y­bo­dy!

We are shoo­ting a short psy­cho­lo­gi­cal dra­ma in Ber­lin Wen­si­cken­dorf End of July! We have an ama­zing Crew and Cast as well as a film stu­dio with ful­ly equip­ped set to shoot in. We are deep into plan­ning alre­a­dy and now have a few roles to prio­ri­ti­ze.

We are loo­king for SET DESIGNERS to crea­te an apart­ment in the stu­dio. It is part­ly fur­nis­hed; walls need to be built and pain­ted. Sin­ce we alre­a­dy have access to the stu­dio, we are loo­king for someone to start working with us asap.

It would be per­fect if you also have a dri­vers licen­se and pos­si­bly a car (to be able to gather mate­ri­als around Ber­lin for pre­pa­ra­ti­on).

While this is an inde­pen­dent low-bud­get pro­duc­tion this is not a paid role, we do have bud­get for props and mate­ri­al as well as a ful­ly equip­ped kit­chen, cate­ring etc.

Shoo­ting days: 24th-28th of July
Gen­re: dark psy­cho­lo­gi­cal dra­ma

Longli­ne: When Lou lear­ns about her mother’s despe­ra­te con­di­ti­on, she batt­les her demons to reach her child­hood home. She embarks on a sur­re­al jour­ney hap­pe­ning insi­de of her, facing her big­gest fears.

If you are inte­res­ted, plea­se cont­act me at: lilikrasteva.​film@​gmail.​com

Insta­gram: lou_​movie
