Schlagwort: Bezahlt

Schau­spiel­erfo­tos + Sedcard (Model­fo­tos)

Lie­be Schauspieler*innen, aktu­ell bie­te ich wie­der Out­door + Stu­dio­fo­to­gra­fie. Euer Bene­fit: Coa­ching inklu­si­ve (bin selbst Schau­spie­le­rin + Com­mer­cial-Model, sowie Dozen­tin) zudem machen wir ein all-in-one-Shoo­ting – soll­tet ihr euch auch für Wer­bung bewer­ben wol­len, machen wir ein kom­plet­tes Paket 🙂 Shoo­ting 400 € zzgl. Mwst. inkl. 5 Fotos – jedes wei­te­re Foto nur 15€/Mengenrabatt. Loca­ti­on: NRW-wei­t/­DUS/ CGN – bei Fahrt­kos­ten­über­nah­me kom­me ich aber auch zu euch/​ Wenn ihr mit eurer Acting Crew Shoo­ter wollt – eben­falls Son­der­preis mög­lich. Hit me up! Die Dreh­sai­son geht wie­der los!!


Finan­ce Mana­ger

Copro­duc­tion Office is an inter­na­tio­nal label that pro­du­ces and sells bold and award-win­ning films. Its sis­ter com­pa­ny Brief­mar­ken Wei­ne is one of Berlin’s best wine bars, focu­sing on artis­a­nal and natu­ral wines pai­red with authen­tic Ita­li­an bis­tro cui­sine, also import­ing Ita­li­an “vin d’auteur” to Ger­ma­ny. Film pro­du­cer Phil­ip­pe Bober is the foun­der of both com­pa­nies and has pro­du­ced for­ty films to date with twel­ve of the­se having been sel­ec­ted to screen in Com­pe­ti­ti­on in Can­nes, win­ning two Gol­den Palms: TRIANGLE OF SADNESS (2022) and THE SQUARE (2017) both by Ruben Öst­lund.

We are loo­king for a Finan­ce Mana­ger (job crea­ti­on) to join our Ber­lin team and to sup­port the growth of Copro­duc­tion Office’s acti­vi­ties in Ger­ma­ny. The working lan­guages are Ger­man and Eng­lish, in which full working pro­fi­ci­en­cy is requi­red, fur­ther lan­guages, in par­ti­cu­lar French and Ita­li­an, are bene­fi­ci­al.



  • Ensu­re the com­pa­ny is pro­per­ly fun­ded: mana­ge the fund­rai­sing pro­ces­ses with the CEO, inves­ti­ga­te new sources of finan­cing.
  • Advi­se on invest­ment acti­vi­ties and pro­vi­de stra­te­gies that the com­pa­ny should take.
  • Update the busi­ness plan for the deve­lo­p­ment of the com­pa­ny acti­vi­ties in Ger­ma­ny.


  • Mana­ge the Ber­lin-based com­pa­nies’ (gas­tro­no­my, cul­tu­ral space pro­ject, film pro­duc­tion com­pa­ny) tre­asu­ry plan­ning; be in direct cont­acts with the pro­vi­ders, nego­tia­te pay­ment sche­du­le.
  • Com­mu­ni­ca­te with our Ger­man bank, request short-term and long-term cre­dits.
  • Lead the finan­cial report­ing and ana­ly­ze the finan­cial per­for­mance of the com­pa­ny.
  • Mana­ge two accoun­tants in Ber­lin.
  • Clo­se­ly col­la­bo­ra­te with our exter­nal accoun­tancy firm in Ger­ma­ny (and France when requi­red) and over­see the clo­sing of the balan­ce sheets.
  • Clo­se­ly col­la­bo­ra­te with our finan­ce team in Paris, and par­ti­cu­lar­ly, with our col­le­ague in char­ge of the tre­asu­ry plan­ning for the pro­duc­tion and sales acti­vi­ties of the com­pa­nies.
  • Help optimize/​automate finan­ce acti­vi­ties, ope­ra­ti­ons, sys­tems, and pro­ces­ses.
  • Accu­ra­te­ly prepa­re and fill sta­te and state/​government tax docu­ments.


  • Recruit new col­le­agues.
  • Over­see the onboar­ding pro­cess, inclu­ding con­tracts draf­ting with our exter­nal advi­sor.
  • Assist with the Manage­ment of the Ber­lin based team (Wine Bar staff, Cul­tu­ral space pro­ject team).


  • You are flu­ent in Eng­lish and Ger­man. French and Ita­li­an lan­guage are a plus.
  • You have a master’s degree in finance/​business or fur­ther edu­ca­ti­on in finance/​accounting with 3+ years of rele­vant pro­fes­sio­nal expe­ri­ence.
  • You have excel­lent ana­ly­ti­cal and exe­cu­ti­on skills and tho­rough under­stan­ding of finan­cial pro­ces­ses.
  • You are a per­fec­tion­ist, with atten­ti­on to detail and mee­ting dead­lines.
  • You are fle­xi­ble with a proac­ti­ve skill set.
  • You are com­pu­ter sav­vy and pro­fi­ci­ent in cloud-based appli­ca­ti­ons and vir­tu­al workspaces.
  • You like working in a team and your strong com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on skills ensu­re the capa­bi­li­ty of working with peo­p­le of various natio­na­li­ties. Col­le­agues can always rely on you.


  • Work in a mul­ti-lin­gu­al envi­ron­ment, in a fri­end­ly and moti­va­tio­nal atmo­sphe­re with enga­ged and inter­na­tio­nal col­le­agues who bring com­mit­ment and cama­ra­de­rie to their work.
  • Obtain valuable expe­ri­ence from working with Phil­ip­pe Bober on uni­que pro­jects.

We look for­ward to recei­ving your full appli­ca­ti­on with a cover let­ter in Eng­lish at staff@​coproductionoffice.​eu indi­ca­ting whe­re you saw this post. (NB Appli­ca­ti­ons wit­hout cover let­ter will not be con­side­red).


Finan­ce and Accoun­ting Intern

By: Copro­duc­tion Office
Busi­ness sec­tor: Film Indus­try (Inter­na­tio­nal Sales Agen­cy and Pro­duc­tion)
Intern­ship: 1200€ /​ month befo­re taxes for intern­ship
App­ren­ti­ce­ship: Legal remu­ne­ra­ti­on for app­ren­ti­ce­ship
Place: Paris
Intern­ship: 6 months, full time
App­ren­ti­ce­ship: To be dis­cus­sed
Start date: Accor­ding to avai­la­bi­li­ty

We are loo­king for a glo­bal­ly min­ded col­le­ague, who has orga­niza­tio­nal skills, is result-ori­en­ted and has an inte­rest in art-house cine­ma, to join our Paris-based finan­ce team, working in a dyna­mic and inter­na­tio­nal envi­ron­ment.


Based in Paris and Ber­lin, Copro­duc­tion Office is an inter­na­tio­nal dis­tri­bu­tor and pro­du­cer of bold, award-win­ning films.

Copro­duc­tion Office’s CEO and foun­der Phil­ip­pe Bober has work­ed with pro­mi­nent ground-brea­king direc­tors* from ear­ly on in their care­ers and has pro­du­ced thir­ty-three films to date. The majo­ri­ty of the­se films were sel­ec­ted for the main com­pe­ti­ti­ons in Can­nes, Venice and Ber­lin, whe­re they have recei­ved many major pri­zes, most nota­b­ly the Venice Gol­den Lion in 2014 for Roy Andersson’s A PIGEON SAT ON A BRANCH REFLECTING ON EXISTENCE, and the Pal­me d’Or in 2017 and in 2022 for THE SQUARE and TRIANGLE OF SADNESS by Ruben Öst­lund. Copro­duc­tion Office’s inter­na­tio­nal sales divi­si­on dis­tri­bu­tes a cata­lo­gue com­po­sed of films pro­du­ced by Phil­ip­pe Bober as well as acqui­red titles and res­to­red clas­sics, inclu­ding Rober­to Rossellini’s key films. The cata­lo­gue is uni­que for its artis­tic strength, with films that have an indi­vi­du­al and distinc­ti­ve cine­ma­tic lan­guage, and often dar­ing con­tent.

*Lars von Trier, Roy Anders­son, Ulrich Seidl, Jes­si­ca Haus­ner, Lou Ye, Kor­nél Mun­druc­zó, Cris­ti Puiu, Michel­an­ge­lo Framm­ar­ti­no, Car­los Rey­ga­das, Ruben Öst­lund.


You will work in Copro­duc­tion Office’s finan­ce depart­ment in inter­ac­tion with other depart­ments (sales, pro­duc­tion, fes­ti­vals, mar­ke­ting, deli­ver­a­bles) and par­ti­ci­pa­te to the fol­lo­wing tasks:

  • Pro­vi­ding sup­port in day-to-day finan­ce admi­nis­tra­ti­on to ensu­re smooth depart­ment­al ope­ra­ti­ons.
  • Con­duc­ting pre-accoun­ting tasks, veri­fy­ing exter­nal accoun­ting ent­ries to ali­gn with the company’s sales and pro­duc­tion acti­vi­ties, with a par­ti­cu­lar empha­sis on topics such as: film coll­ec­tion agen­ci­es and pro­duc­tion cre­dits.
  • Imple­men­ting a pay­ment con­trol pro­ce­du­re, stream­li­ning non-bank trans­fer expen­ses among col­le­agues, retrie­ving invoices and receipts, ther­eby mini­mi­zing infor­ma­ti­on loss.
  • Main­tai­ning up-to-date moni­to­ring charts, inclu­ding paya­bles and receiv­a­bles track­ing, to faci­li­ta­te effec­ti­ve finan­cial over­sight.
  • Assis­ting in appli­ca­ti­ons for banks, cre­dit insti­tu­ti­ons and public funds ope­ra­ting in the film sec­tor and their finan­cial deli­ver­a­bles.
  • Pre­pa­ring detail­ed film cos­ts reports for right hol­ders and public funds.


  • Flu­ent in French, Eng­lish, and Ger­man – with a mini­mum level of B2
  • Fami­li­ar with finan­ce and/​or accoun­ting noti­ons; rele­vant edu­ca­ti­on is high­ly app­re­cia­ted.
  • Com­for­ta­ble with num­bers and finan­cial ana­ly­ses and pro­fi­ci­ent with Excel.
  • An inno­va­ti­ve thin­ker who can think out­side the box.
  • Both ana­ly­ti­cal and syn­the­ti­cal.
  • A per­fec­tion­ist, with atten­ti­on to detail and mee­ting dead­lines.
  • Com­pu­ter sav­vy and pro­fi­ci­ent in cloud-based appli­ca­ti­ons and vir­tu­al workspaces.
  • A cine­phi­le with a strong inte­rest in dis­co­ve­ring the indus­tri­al side of cine­ma.


  • Gain an over­sight on dif­fe­rent aspects of the com­pa­ny inclu­ding finan­ce, sales, mar­ke­ting, and pro­duc­tion as we are a small and fle­xi­ble com­pa­ny.
  • Work in a mul­ti-lin­gu­al envi­ron­ment, in a fri­end­ly and moti­va­tio­nal atmo­sphe­re with enga­ged and inter­na­tio­nal col­le­agues who bring com­mit­ment and cama­ra­de­rie to their work
  • Obtain valuable expe­ri­ence from working with Phil­ip­pe Bober on uni­que pro­jects

We look for­ward to recei­ving your full appli­ca­ti­on with a cover let­ter in Eng­lish at staff@​coproductionoffice.​eu (NB Appli­ca­ti­ons wit­hout cover let­ter will not be con­side­red). Plea­se also indi­ca­te whe­re you saw this post.


Film­ge­schäfts­füh­rung /​​ Finanz­buch­hal­tung

Copro­duc­tion Office/​Essential Film­pro­duk­ti­on GmbH ist ein inter­na­tio­na­le Fir­ma (Deutsch­land, Frank­reich, Groß­bri­tan­ni­en, Däne­mark), die muti­ge und preis­ge­krön­te Fil­me pro­du­ziert und ver­treibt. Pro­du­zent und Grün­der Phil­ip­pe Bober hat bis heu­te zwei­und­drei­ßig Fil­me von inno­va­ti­ven Regis­seu­ren wie Roy Anders­son, Jes­si­ca Haus­ner, Ruben Öst­lund, Car­los Rey­ga­das uvm. pro­du­ziert. Zu den zahl­rei­chen gewon­nen Prei­sen gehö­ren u.a. die Gol­de­ne Pal­me 2022 für Ruben Öst­lunds TRIANGLE OF SADNESS oder der Gol­de­ne Löwe 2014 in Vene­dig für Roy Anders­son.

Zur Unter­stüt­zung unse­res Teams suchen wir zum nächst­mög­li­chen Zeit­punkt eine Film­ge­schäfts­füh­rung in Teil­zeit (1–3 Tage pro Woche) in Ber­lin (Mög­lich­keit auf Home Office).


Was Sie erwar­tet:

  • Füh­ren der Haupt­buch­hal­tung (Erfah­rung im Umgang mit Sesam von Vor­teil)
  • Sie küm­mern sich um die Erstel­lung von Monats‑, Quar­tals- und Jah­res­ab­schlüs­sen
  • Sie über­neh­men das Tages­ge­schäft in der Finanz‑, Kre­di­to­ren- und Debi­to­ren­buch­hal­tung
  • Sie steu­ern den inter­nen Bear­bei­tungs- und Frei­ga­be­pro­zess sowie die Kon­tie­rung von Ein­gangs- und Aus­gangs­rech­nun­gen
  • Sie füh­ren Kon­to­ab­stim­mun­gen, Bank­bu­chun­gen, Rech­nungs­ab­gren­zun­gen und Cash Manage­ment durch
  • Sie arbei­ten in direk­tem Kon­takt mit unse­rer Geschäfts­lei­tung, unse­ren Pro­jekt­lei­tern und unse­ren Pro­jekt­as­sis­ten­ten
  • Sie fun­gie­ren als Ansprech­part­ner für inter­ne und exter­ne Part­ner, ins­be­son­de­re Steu­er­be­ra­ter und Wirt­schafts­prü­fer
  • Sie unter­stüt­zen den CFO und die Pro­jekt­lei­ter bei der Erstel­lung von Finan­zie­rungs- und Bank­kre­dit­an­trä­gen


Was Sie mit­brin­gen:

  • Aus­ge­präg­te kauf­män­ni­sche Kennt­nis­se
  • Prak­ti­sche Erfah­rung in der Finanz­buch­hal­tung und im Rech­nungs­we­sen
  • Geüb­ter Umgang mit SESAM FIBU /​ (Lohn) von Vor­teil
  • Sehr gute Kennt­nis­se in der Rech­nungs­le­gung nach HGB/​IFRS. Idea­ler­wei­se auch in der Kon­zern­rech­nungs­le­gung eines inter­na­tio­na­len Unter­neh­mens
  • Eng­lisch (min­des­tens B1)


  • Arbeit an inter­na­tio­nal renom­mier­ten Film­pro­duk­tio­nen
  • Mög­lich­keit zur Remo­te-Arbeit von zu Hau­se
  • Enga­gier­tes Team mit fla­chen Orga­ni­sa­ti­ons­struk­tu­ren
  • Gehalt abhän­gig von Erfah­rung

Wir freu­en uns auf Ihre voll­stän­di­ge Bewer­bung mit Anschrei­ben in eng­li­scher Spra­che an staff@​coproductionoffice.​eu unter Anga­be, wo Sie die­sen Bei­trag gese­hen haben (Hin­weis: Bewer­bun­gen ohne Anschrei­ben wer­den nicht berück­sich­tigt).


suche editor/​​producer fuer you­tube chan­nel + twitch stream (free­lan­ce, stu­den­ten­job)


ich wer­de regel­mä­ßig (wöchent­lich) zwei stun­den zum the­ma tech­no­lo­gy, inno­va­ti­on und start­ups strea­men.

ich suche jeman­den, der mir hilft mit show pla­nung, rese­arch, gäs­te ein­la­den und video editing für you­tube.

wäre stu­den­ten-freund­lich (schät­ze max. 10h pro woche) und pro stun­de bezahlt.

wür­de mich über kon­takt freu­en! bei inter­es­se bit­te eine e‑mail schi­cken mit bei­spie­len eurer arbeit und wel­chen zugang ihr zu dem the­ma haet­tet.

lg, andre­as


Suche Ton­meis­ter für Kurz­film

Auf­grund eines krank­heits­be­ding­ten Aus­falls suchen wir drin­gend einen Ton­meis­ter/-assis­ten­ten für unse­ren Kurz­film. Dreh­be­ginn Mitt­woch den 17.7. für 1–2 Tage.

Bei Inter­es­se bit­te um Anruf 0152 – 5888 7245.

Jür­gen Jäger – Pro­du­zent



6 month Paid Intern­ship
as soon as pos­si­ble

Copro­duc­tion Office is an inter­na­tio­nal label that pro­du­ces and sells bold and award-win­ning films.
Its sis­ter com­pa­ny Brief­mar­ken Wei­ne is one of Berlin’s best wine bars, focu­sing on artis­a­nal and
natu­ral wines pai­red with authen­tic Ita­li­an bis­tro cui­sine, also import­ing Ita­li­an “vin d’auteur” to
Ger­ma­ny. Film pro­du­cer Phil­ip­pe Bober is the foun­der of the com­pa­nies and has pro­du­ced for­ty
films to date with twel­ve of the­se having been sel­ec­ted to screen in Com­pe­ti­ti­on in Can­nes, win­ning
two Gol­den Palms: TRIANGLE OF SADNESS (2022) and THE SQUARE (2017) both by Ruben Öst­lund.
Phil­ip­pe also pro­du­ces video instal­la­ti­ons (WOMEN WITHOUT MEN by Shirin Nes­hat, ALBERI by
Michel­an­ge­lo Framm­ar­ti­no) and works with visu­al artists Zapru­der and Michel­an­ge­lo Framm­ar­ti­no. Copro­duc­tion Office is now con­nec­ting its know-how in the­se fields in a uni­que pro­ject: a pre­mi­um
cul­tu­ral space com­bi­ning a three-screen art­house cine­ma, an art gal­lery and mul­ti­func­tion­al
exhi­bi­ti­on venue, ambi­tious restau­rants and a wine bar. Loca­ted in Berlin’s city cen­ter in an ico­nic
lis­ted buil­ding, it is to open its doors to the public in 2025.

We are loo­king for a future col­le­ague start­ing as an intern, with the poten­ti­al of a full-time posi­ti­on
as a proac­ti­ve coor­di­na­tor for this pio­nee­ring inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry pro­ject. The working lan­guages are
Ger­man and Eng­lish, in which full working pro­fi­ci­en­cy is requi­red, fur­ther lan­guages are bene­fi­ci­al, in
par­ti­cu­lar French and Ita­li­an.

You Are:
Cos­mo­po­li­tan, pro-acti­ve, pro­blem-sol­ving, late­ral thin­king, cul­tu­re, film- and/​or wine-loving, and
have a posi­ti­ve working atti­tu­de and an eye for details. Orga­ni­sa­tio­nal and ana­ly­ti­cal skills are
app­re­cia­ted, as well as pre­cis­i­on regar­ding time­lines, grammar, num­bers and spreadsheets. Your
back­ground can be eit­her in wine, food, archi­tec­tu­re, civil engi­nee­ring, cine­ma, the film indus­try, art,
real estate deve­lo­p­ment, busi­ness admi­nis­tra­ti­on, com­pu­ter sci­en­ces, finan­ce or mar­ke­ting.

You may under­ta­ke and be respon­si­ble for one or seve­ral of the fol­lo­wing duties:
● Com­mu­ni­ca­ting direct­ly with exter­nal pro­ject coor­di­na­tors, archi­tects, con­s­truc­tion
mana­gers, spe­cia­list plan­ners and others
● Coor­di­na­ting finan­cing appli­ca­ti­ons, fol­lo­wing-up with funds, finan­ciers, pro­jects and
● Coor­di­na­ting tasks and dead­lines, mee­tings with con­sul­tants and stake­hol­ders
● Rese­ar­ching new sup­pli­ers and com­mu­ni­ca­ting with exis­ting ones
● Ana­ly­zing pro­ces­ses and making sug­ges­ti­ons on how to opti­mi­se them
● Assis­ting with the orga­niza­ti­on of events and pop exhi­bi­ti­ons
● Con­tri­bu­ting to deve­lo­ping the con­cept of the art space
● Com­pi­ling docu­ments, in par­ti­cu­lar spreadsheets and pre­sen­ta­ti­ons

The intern­ship is full time, remu­ne­ra­ted with 1000 – 1200€ brut­to /​ month (est. net­to 950 € /​ month)
and can lead to fur­ther employ­ment.

Plea­se send your appli­ca­ti­on (inclu­ding CV and cover let­ter) to: staffspl@​coproductionoffice.​eu. Plea­se also indi­ca­te whe­re you saw this post. If short­lis­ted, inter­views will take place eit­her in Ber­lin,
Paris or on Sky­pe. The posi­ti­on is based in Ber­lin (Mit­te /​ Fried­richs­hain) and with a start date
accor­ding to avai­la­bi­li­ty.


Dar­stel­ler inves­ti­ga­ti­ver Jour­na­list gesucht, Doku­men­ta­ri­scher Film

Für ein doku­men­ta­ri­sches Film­pro­jekt suchen wir den Dar­stel­ler einer inves­ti­ga­ti­ven Journalistin/​Journalisten.


Post­pro­duk­ti­ons­prak­ti­kum Febru­ar Film Sep­tem­ber 2024 – Novem­ber 2024

Post­pro­duk­ti­ons­prak­ti­kum bei Film­pro­duk­ti­ons­fir­ma

Das Team der FEBRUAR FILM aus erfah­re­nen und preis­ge­krön­ten Autoren, Redak­teu­ren, Regis­seu­ren, Recher­cheu­ren und Pro­duk­ti­ons­mit­ar­bei­tern rea­li­siert Fil­me und For­ma­te für den natio­na­len und inter­na­tio­na­len Markt.

Das Kern­ge­schäft sind zeit­ge­mä­ße und hoch­wer­ti­ge Doku­men­ta­tio­nen, Doku-Dra­men und Repor­ta­gen. Dazu gehö­ren Rei­hen und One-offs für ZDF, MDR, NDR, WDR, BR, RB, ARTE, 3SAT, DW, Ser­vus TV, RTL, VOX und HBO in den Berei­chen Gesell­schaft, Geschich­te, Wis­sen und Aben­teu­er.

Durch inter­na­tio­na­le Kopro­duk­tio­nen und Ver­mark­tung wer­den die Pro­duk­tio­nen der FEBRUAR FILM auf meh­re­ren Dut­zend Sen­dern welt­weit aus­ge­strahlt.

Wir suchen:
Eine*n Praktikant*in im Berei­che Pro­duk­ti­on /​ Post­pro­duk­ti­on mit dem Fokus auf künst­li­cher Intel­li­genz in der Film- und Fern­seh­pro­duk­ti­on ab Sep­tem­ber 2024 – Novem­ber 2024 (3 Mona­te).

Dei­ne Auf­ga­ben:
– Unter­stüt­zung des Post­pro­duk­ti­ons­teams bei der Bear­bei­tung und Opti­mie­rung von
Video- und Audio­ma­te­ri­al.
– Anwen­dung von KI-basier­ten Tools und Algo­rith­men zur Ver­bes­se­rung und – Auto­ma­ti­sie­rung von Post­pro­duk­ti­ons­pro­zes­sen.
– Mit­ar­beit bei der Ent­wick­lung und Ein­füh­rung inno­va­ti­ver Work­flows in der Post­pro­duk­ti­on.
– Erstel­lung und Ver­wal­tung von digi­ta­len Assets sowie Ein­hal­tung hoher Qua­li­täts­stan­dards.
– Teil­nah­me an Team­mee­tings und Prä­sen­ta­ti­on dei­ner Arbeits­er­geb­nis­se.

Dein Pro­fil:
– Stu­di­um in Medi­en­pro­duk­ti­on, Infor­ma­tik, Film oder einem ver­wand­ten Fach­ge­biet.
– Gro­ßes Inter­es­se an KI und deren Anwen­dung im krea­ti­ven Bereich.
– Ers­te Erfah­rung mit Video­be­ar­bei­tungs­soft­ware wie AVID, Ado­be Pre­mie­re, DaVin­ci Resol­ve oder ver­gleich­ba­ren Pro­gram­men.
– Grund­kennt­nis­se in Pro­gram­mier­spra­chen wie Python oder Java­Script sind von Vor­teil.
– Krea­ti­vi­tät, Eigen­in­itia­ti­ve und Bereit­schaft, sich in neue Tech­no­lo­gien ein­zu­ar­bei­ten.
– Team­fä­hig­keit und gute Kom­mu­ni­ka­ti­ons­fä­hig­kei­ten.

Wir bie­ten:
– Span­nen­de Pro­jek­te in einem dyna­mi­schen und krea­ti­ven Umfeld.
– Mög­lich­keit, prak­ti­sche Erfah­run­gen im Umgang mit moder­nen KI-Tech­no­lo­gien zu sam­meln.
– Ein kol­le­gia­les Team.
– Betreu­ung durch erfah­re­ne Fach­kräf­te und die Chan­ce, eige­ne Ideen ein­zu­brin­gen.

Febru­ar Film GmbH
Susan­ne Faust

Dau­er: 3 Mona­te (Voll­zeit)
Das Prak­ti­kum wird mit 400,- Euro ver­gü­tet.

Wir freu­en uns auf dei­ne Bewer­bung!

Bit­te sen­de Anschrei­ben und Lebens­lauf sowie, falls vor­han­den, Arbeits­zeug­nis­se und Arbeits­pro­ben, an:
Susan­ne Faust | s.​faust@​februarfilm.​de | +49 30 2063399425 | www​.febru​ar​film​.de
